How to Go Go Dance

Hired to dance at nightclubs, concerts and festivals, a go-go dancer's duty is to hype up the crowd – particularly one that isn't dancing. Suspended above a crowded nightclub dance floor, go-go dancers freestyle dance to entertain party g...
Method 1 of 3:

Nailing the Go-Go Dancer Look

  1. How to Go Go Dance Picture 1How to Go Go Dance Picture 1
    Flatter your body shape with a revealing and creative outfit. Go-go dancers are traditionally known for their appealing appearance. They often wear short skirts or shorts, platform boots, and bikini tops.[1]
    1. Your costume could include neon, sparkles, stripes, or fishnet – whatever suits your body and still stands out on the dance floor.
    2. While traditional go-go boots are knee-high, you can wear calf-high or shin-high boots. It is best to wear a platform heel, as flat shoes will be most comfortable for the high-intensity dancing you will be performing.[2]
    3. Be original to stand out. The memorable go-go girls will be those who are as creative and experimental as possible.
    4. You can buy items for go-go dancing from costume shops, adult stores and even general clothing stores.
  2. How to Go Go Dance Picture 2How to Go Go Dance Picture 2
    Perfect your make-up skills through study and practice. Under the bright lights of a nightclub dance floor, your make-up will need to stand out to look impressive. Practice your make-up skills by studying your favorite styles in magazines and make-up ads. Try copying them to see what works best for you.
    1. Fake eyelashes will help your eyes to pop and are an essential part of your make-up routine for go-go dancing.[3]
    2. Use dark eyeliner and lip gloss (or lipstick) to accentuate your eyes and lips.
  3. How to Go Go Dance Picture 3How to Go Go Dance Picture 3
    Experiment styling your hair for performance dancing. You need to know how your hair looks best: straight, curly, up or down – so experiment and try out a few different styles to see what looks good when you are dancing.
    1. If you have short hair, you could try extending it with a hairpiece. Clamp your hairpiece down with bobby pins so that it stays in while you're dancing.
  4. How to Go Go Dance Picture 4How to Go Go Dance Picture 4
    Improve your dancing skills through classes. Go-go dancing is a skilled and competitive entertainment industry, with most go-go girls possessing a background in dance. If you want to work professionally, you will need to attend dancing classes and learn how to choreograph your own freelance dance routines.
    1. If you can't afford to take local dance classes, try watching online dancing tutorial videos and practising the moves in front of a mirror.
    2. Practice dancing in the safety of your home: turn on your favorite dance playlist and allow yourself to create your own dance routine to the natural beat.
  5. How to Go Go Dance Picture 5How to Go Go Dance Picture 5
    Create an original and creative stage name. If you are planning to work professionally, it is helpful to create a unique stage name that reflects your personality. Common stage names include Precious, Diamond, Destiny, Paris or Raven, but it is best if you choose a name that will stand out and be remembered.
    1. Choose a name that is easily searchable, so hiring managers can find you.
    2. Have a story behind the name. People will want to know why you called yourself your name, so try and think of an interesting story that party-goers will remember.[4]
Method 2 of 3:

Putting on a Great Go-Go Performance

  1. How to Go Go Dance Picture 6How to Go Go Dance Picture 6
    Build a versatile repertoire of freestyle dance moves. Go-go dancing styles include electronic, hip-hop, latin and sexy – or a mix of all four. There isn't a wrong or right way to go-go dance, so the most important thing is to keep your freestyle dancing energetic and versatile. Build your repertoire through dance classes, watching other dancers at clubs, and practicing dance moves from tutorial videos.
    1. Keep your hips moving – swing your hips around in a circle, gracefully, using your belly button as a guide. It may help to imagine you are hula hooping in slow motion.
    2. Move your legs fluidly, not stiffly. Bend your leg when you lift it, and step from side-to-side.[5] Always remember to keep your toes pointed.
    3. Create variety in your freestyle performance by alternating which leg is straight and which leg is bent.
    4. If you're ever unsure about what move to use next, find the tempo of the music and start moving your body to it. Listen for the bass line of the music (the thump-thump-thump of the beat) and allow your body to move with the groove.
  2. How to Go Go Dance Picture 7How to Go Go Dance Picture 7
    Use your whole body when dancing. Go-go dancing is all about moving with the music and being as sensual as possible so that you enthuse a crowd. Dance with your arms as well as your legs, keeping your posture open and appealing to watch.
    1. Remember to keep your head moving – a stiff neck will make you look uncomfortable. Roll your head around, move it side-to-side, or nod it up and down. Keep the movements fluid as you change them up.
    2. Keep your arms loose, not stiff. You can put your arms in any position you want (such as above your head, behind your head, or at chest level), but keep them slightly bent at the elbow so that you look comfortable.
  3. How to Go Go Dance Picture 8How to Go Go Dance Picture 8
    Perform with confidence and good posture. While your freestyle dancing ability will come with study and practice, the most important key to go-go dancing is confidence. If you dance with confidence, then you will succeed in hyping up a crowd and having fun. Stand up straight, keep your shoulders high, and your bottom tucked in.[6]
    1. Always keep your wrists straight, as limp wrists will make you look uncomfortable and hesitant. It doesn't matter if your fist is open or closed, as long as the wrist is straight.[7]
    2. Keep your body open to look confident. Never have hunched shoulders.
    3. Keep your stomach muscles tight. You can practice keeping your stomach muscles tight when going about your daily routine, such as when you are lying down, waiting in line or making dinner – it will become natural with practice.[8]
  4. How to Go Go Dance Picture 9How to Go Go Dance Picture 9
    Smile, relax and enjoy the experience. Regardless of whether you are trying out go-go dancing for fun or whether you are aiming to be a professional, the duty of a go-go dancer is to have fun and to help others have fun. Ensure you are in a good mood and that you feel excited. If you are smiling and relaxed, then the rest of the dancers will follow your lead.
    1. If you are struggling to keep your face relaxed, you could try doing some facial exercises before you perform to loosen up.
  5. How to Go Go Dance Picture 10How to Go Go Dance Picture 10
    Dance energetically with the flow of the music to hype the crowd. The main goal of a go-go dancer is to get the crowd hyped. So when the dance floor is empty, dance as energetically as you can to convince everyone to join in with you. Be uninhibited in your dancing to encourage other party-goers to let go of their fears.
Method 3 of 3:

Working as a Professional Go-Go Dancer

  1. How to Go Go Dance Picture 11How to Go Go Dance Picture 11
    Be at least 18 or 21 and physically fit. You must be at least 18 years old to work in a nightclub, and since you are likely to be working in a place that sells alcohol, some clubs will require you to be 21. Most clubs require their go-go dancers to be in good physical shape and have the stamina to dance for up to 4 hours at a time.[9]
    1. While you will likely dance for 4 hours straight, you should get at least 15 minutes breaks for every 45 minutes you dance.[10]
  2. How to Go Go Dance Picture 12How to Go Go Dance Picture 12
    Build your physical endurance with cardio training. While go-go dancing may seem simple at first, you need to build your physical endurance to be able to dance at high energy for a long period of time. To build up your endurance, work on your cardio exercises at a gym or at home.
  3. How to Go Go Dance Picture 13How to Go Go Dance Picture 13
    Learn to be flexible by taking dance classes. Since go-go dancers don't usually get to choose the music they are dancing to, you will need to be able to adapt your dance to whatever tempo and style the DJ is playing.[11] If you do not have a background in dance, try dance classes at a local dance studio or community centre before you attempt to get a job.
    1. If there are no dance classes near you, there are many YouTube dance videos that will help you learn the different methods of moving your body.
    2. Learn how to move your body in a club environment and remember to move your arms when you dance. Go-go dancers are often required to dance for hours in high-heeled shoes or boots, so practice dancing in them beforehand.[12]
  4. How to Go Go Dance Picture 14How to Go Go Dance Picture 14
    Network to find and expand your job opportunities. Finding work as a go-go dancer is often about who you know. If you live in an urban area, check out the local noticeboards to see whether there is a go-go group you can join, as these groups are a networking opportunity and can help beginner dancer to find gigs. Ask the other dancers about the local requirements of becoming a go-go dancer, as some dancers join teams while others work independently.[13]
    1. If your area doesn't have a local group, try looking on social media channels like Facebook, Twitter and Instagram to find a nearby or online go-go community who you can connect with.
    2. By building your own network, you can work as an independent go-go dancer and build your own clientele.[14]
  5. How to Go Go Dance Picture 15How to Go Go Dance Picture 15
    Research clubs and venues to find out if they're hiring. If you want to find permanent or short-term work as a go-go dancer, research your local clubs and speak to the general manager to find out about job openings or auditions.[15]
  6. How to Go Go Dance Picture 16How to Go Go Dance Picture 16
    Go to an audition. Once you find a club or dance team that you are interested in, go to an audition. Some nightclubs might ask you to dance on a side stage as your audition whereas others will hold separate auditions in a private space for anyone that is interested in joining.[16] Like any job interview, it is best to be prepared before you go.
    1. Wear an outfit appropriate for the audition: platform boots, fishnets, booty shorts or a short skirt, tank top or bra.
    2. Although interviews can be intimidating, don't forget to smile and enjoy the dance.
  7. How to Go Go Dance Picture 17How to Go Go Dance Picture 17
    Negotiate your pay by knowing your worth. If you are planning on working as a go-go dancer, then you will potentially be earning between $10 and $150 an hour depending on what you are able to negotiate and the prestige of the nightclub.[17] If you are working for a club, make sure you get a contract and get all the details in writing.
    1. When negotiating your pay, it can be helpful to know how much you will be investing in costumes, hair, and make-up for the role. Bring these details along with you to the meeting.
  8. How to Go Go Dance Picture 18How to Go Go Dance Picture 18
    Promote yourself through social media. Once you have established yourself as a go-go dancer, build your fan and contact base by promoting yourself as a go-go dancer using sites like Facebook and Twitter. It is a good idea to let people know when you are available for bookings and to provide your contact details clearly.
    1. If you can afford it, think about creating your own website to promote your services. Website creation sites like WordPress and Wix provide themed sites that don't take long too learn to modify and personalize.
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