How to maximize income if you are a Freelancer?
Freelance can be one of the most difficult jobs in the current job market. Freelance is always faced with labor shortages, cheap remuneration and headaches on tax issues, " the eternal circle " between satiation and hunger, sometimes even accepting paid jobs. too low or too bored. It seems that Freelancer is gradually becoming an unnecessarily miserable profession in life.
However, in the opening age, there were many people who chose to become a Freelancer instead of working in a certain company and many people were successful in Freelance. Let's take a look at the following 8 ways of successful people as a Freelancer, you will learn the lesson so you can increase income from this job like them!
1. Know the value of your own labor
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The first step is extremely important but it is also a step that most freelancers often overlook. However, it took them months, even years, to be obsessed with this. Sit down and get a good understanding of your professional skills, what are your strengths? How have you promoted those strengths and what are the achievements of that job? Or what makes you stand out from others? Think carefully and reflect on yourself to measure your labor value.
As soon as you have completed this step, look at the price list that people pay for the same services as you. If you can do better at a cheaper price, this will become an advantage to start talking to them. Customers always want to pay the price, so if the level of work is worth it, then accept it at all costs. If not, do not hesitate to negotiate. Remember, you are aiming for a " win-win " financially so you can use negotiation skills to get back. Note that this will not work if your partner holds it.
2. Consider it a serious job
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Normally Freelance is seen as a simple job, just making fun or killing time, which will undermine the value of your labor. The problem is, if you do a job online you will have to consider the time to be able to serve customers in the best way. If the customer in the country is simple. But if you work with people on other continents, you'll have to schedule your schedule. Take care enthusiastically according to the time frame they give, your enthusiasm will definitely be noted. This may cause you to do more work but customers will appreciate your efforts, making them feel comfortable working with you.Punctuality is a professional attitude even if you do any work.
3. Reasonable time management
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Deferring habits are really enemies for those who work in Freelance. Many customers put jobs with very fast delivery. If you fail to meet the deadline for delivery for a force majeure reason, talk to them and close the day correctly. Don't be afraid to tell the customer that you need more time to complete a project, if the time limit becomes too urgent or you get into something unexpected, but never abuse it. this thing Try to manage that time to complete it on time, no matter what the reason, delaying the deadline will always lead to a lack of sympathy for the people who hire you to work. This is even more terrible if you are late for leaving the game.
4. Know the requirements
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If customer requests are unusual, don't be afraid to ask customers to clear this. For example, a customer agreed to pay $ 30 for a 1,500-word article and ordered an article of 15,000 words but kept the old price. This has two situations: either the customer does not pay attention, or the customer is trying to find a way to buy your gray matter at a low price. If possible, before starting work, make a contract with the guest and set a very clear price to avoid abuse of labor and brainpower subtly. Remember to charge extra for studies, the time you spend on your part.
5. Don't forget the tax
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Laws and tax requirements between regions are often very different, but there is only one similarity: In a lease, there is always a tax to pay, for individuals it is a collection tax. Special entry. Remember this depreciation to discuss who will be taxed before signing the contract.
Make sure you always spend a reasonable amount of money from your monthly, quarterly or yearly earnings. It is usually better if you pay a monthly tax and pay more than the specified amount, at least below the US limit, to avoid having to pay a larger excess at the end of the year. Individuals who work on independent contracts usually pay 30% of the tax, so it is ideal to spend 40% - 50% of the income each tax payment to pay the compensation and ensure the year-end refund .
6. Marketing yourself
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Consider marketing new customers as interviews: emphasizing the skills you have and asserting that you are the best fit for the job the customer needs to deliver. Marketing yourself in a free working environment is very important. Besides your CV, your way of introducing your strengths and weaknesses is an information channel to create trust for your partners when you want them. Deliver an important job to you.
Try to market yourself to the customer that you are the best person for the job the client needs to deliver, can solve the problem, and make sure the people you work with are also right for you. This avoids dissent, creating more harmony between you and your boss. Be confident and clear about what you can do, as well as what customers can help you with. By setting clear standards like that you will avoid a lot of trouble after taking the job.
7. Network work
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Working like a very hard Freelancer. Remember: with 1 Freelancer, the way to get back to you is to communicate, communicate and communicate. Nobody will bring you things if they don't know who you are and what you're doing. Therefore, network work is very important to your success. Therefore, in addition to marketing yourself, you need to increase your ability to connect your work by proactively getting to know and introduce yourself wherever you can. Sites like LinkedIn and Google+ are great for creating relationships. Besides, do not be afraid to ask others to introduce or liquidate the contract after finishing work. This may sound weird but there is really nothing wrong with " accidentally hearing " someone in a restaurant, bar or on the street saying that they need to complete a job you can do. , then you introduce yourself to the service you can provide. The worst thing is that you refuse when you have a chance to prove yourself.
8. Always keep everything
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Keep a copy of the work you have done for your customers, the bills you have paid, what you have paid, contracts, receipts and exchanges between you and your customers. This is not only useful for building a profile of your capacity, but it also helps to solve taxes and other bookkeeping processes more simply and efficiently. Having a well-organized, easy-to-check and track system is an essential need to record your data. Moreover, they are also very good at managing jobs. Keep these records for at least 3 years after the contract is liquidated so you can refer back if necessary.
Always keep a hard copy, because just a small virus can make your great system live. At least you have to keep your data on your hard drive, in a filing cabinet, on a USB or other hard drive. And best of all, you email yourself a copy of everything every month. This will ensure you keep all the information you need in one place, so a horrific sweep can't be that you lose all the data.
Just follow these 8 simple steps, you can maximize the value of the work of a Freelancer in a short period of time. Good luck!
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