Hackers demand $ 50K from the hacker forum, otherwise they will give no Fed

The hacker world is also funny. This hack will make you feel more funny than worried.

The hacker world is also funny. This hack will make you feel more funny than worried.

The victim of the hack is Basetools.ws, a hacking forum where users trade and buy credit card information, user information, spam tools they have stolen. This state is said to have more than 150,000 users with more than 20,000 tools.

Earlier this week, an anonymous user downloaded a piece of this page's data online with a request for extortion.

The attacker requires $ 50,000 from the website owner, otherwise he will put the administrator's data on the site for US authorities such as FBI, DHS, DOJ and DOT.

To demonstrate, the hacker shared the Basetools admin panel image and a photo containing the admin login and IP address.

Picture 1 of Hackers demand $ 50K from the hacker forum, otherwise they will give no Fed

Admin panel of Basetools admin

Picture 2 of Hackers demand $ 50K from the hacker forum, otherwise they will give no Fed

Admin's IP address and login information

In addition, he also released tools that Basetools users sell on this site such as C-Panel account login information, back door, spambot hosted on hacked pages, RDP server, SSH server, data that users get from multiple pages .

Picture 3 of Hackers demand $ 50K from the hacker forum, otherwise they will give no Fed

Many tools and data are sold on Basetools

As soon as the request for extortion and the data was released, Basetools was offline and switched to maintenance mode.

Picture 4 of Hackers demand $ 50K from the hacker forum, otherwise they will give no Fed

The Basetool.ws website is temporarily down

Whether it's just a fake or not, researcher Dylan Katz said 'the page is definitely not good. 50K is too much compared to the damage caused. ' But money is not the main motive. According to the extortion notice, the hacker seems to want to take revenge when the owner of the site has modified the data.

'Earning and Reseller data on Basetools.ws has been changed. This site owner created and used the RedHat account name, which is always located in First Place '.

Many sensitive data leaked on the network

Although the incident may seem small and insignificant, it is not without security risks.

All data previously sold on Basetools is now distributed and anyone can get it. It means that information of thousands of servers who can find them now can be found.

Other hackers can take these servers, exploit them to spam, host malicious code or perform offensive campaigns. Katz also discovered user data coming from services saying they did not leak data.

All affected parties should quickly change their passwords to ensure their safety.

Update 24 May 2019


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