Hackers attack the casino through a hole in the smart thermometer of the aquarium

Hackers have found a flaw through a smart thermometer that is used to monitor water in aquariums in the middle of the hall to penetrate the system and get information from the casino.

Hackers have found a flaw through a smart thermometer that is used to monitor water in aquariums in the middle of the hall to penetrate the system and get information from the casino.

According to Nicole Eagan, CEO of network security company Darktrace, after infiltrating the casino's intranet via a smart thermometer, bad guys have found the personal information of some of the most spending customers. in the casino then take the data out in the way that was entered, then upload it to the cloud storage system.

Picture 1 of Hackers attack the casino through a hole in the smart thermometer of the aquarium

Giant aquarium fish tank in a casino.(Photo: Casinohire.)

Eagan said that smart devices like lights, thermometers, cooling systems or devices that support Alexa, . appear more and more everywhere, making people more vulnerable to cyber attacks. . And this rare attack is a good example of possible risks.

The reason is that the current IoT devices are not protected by traditional defense systems. They are very basic design, do not include additional security features in addition to the popular WPA2 protocol of Wi-Fi networks. And even that is not a perfect security class.

Of course, researchers are trying to improve IoT devices so that they become more and more secure, but that is not enough to distance themselves from the hackers' eyes.

See more:

  1. It turns out this is how hackers attack your computer through the main screen
  2. Vietcombank's website was hacked, showing two poetic sentences about student life
  3. The emergence of poetry on Vietcombank website is caused by 'negligence technical staff', not hacked
Update 24 May 2019


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