How is it called 'smart device'?

Network connection does not mean 'smart'. Smart devices really have to provide valuable, reliable and easy-to-use services.

Network connection does not mean 'smart'.Smart devices really have to provide valuable, reliable and easy-to-use services.

We still think smart devices are devices that are capable of networking, whether they are lights, heat sensors or toothbrushes.But not only that, the device is considered smart when it brings more things to users.

Smart devices provide valuable services

Everything connected is not just about 'everything' but the services they provide.Although it is as simple as turning on / off the light with a phone or an energy-saving algorithm on the HVAC system, if there is no value service, they are just a device that can be controlled remotely.

In addition to simple services, these devices also use the Internet effectively to perform complex tasks.The more data the more powerful it is, and it is important to know how to use it.

How is it called 'smart device'? Picture 1How is it called 'smart device'? Picture 1
Internet connection doesn't mean smart

For example, a smart shoe that tracks when you run, a network of thousands of smart shoe users can help determine if your running style is problematic, suggest how to change, create items. pepper, improve speed and run time .

Reliable smart device

Not only are the devices and services they bring, IoT devices need to gain the trust of users.It is difficult to know whether small companies can maintain the services they provide on their devices in the next few years.Because IoT is an investment, users also expect it to be supported for a long time.

Smart device easy to use

Although it sounds simple, many manufacturers lack this basic value.The latest tweet about Mark Rittman's 11-hour boiling water by WiFi kettle is obviously still thinking because it lags far behind a conventional kettle.Smart devices need a simple installation process, simple and convenient operation, thereby minimizing the error correction instructions.Bringing only a little benefit or not long-term value will not help a device called smart.

See more:

  1. Internet of Things - IoT or What is the universal connection network?
  2. Edge Computing - The boundary of the Web
  3. Smart device helps smartphones see through walls
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