Google Docs tricks for beginners

Google Docs is an online application for creating and managing documents online developed by Google. If you have an account on Google, this is the best solution to replace MS Office or if you don't want to upgrade. - Google Docs is an online application to create and manage documents online developed by Google. If you have an account on Google, this is the best solution to replace MS Office or if you don't want to upgrade.

Like many other Google applications, Google Docs is very well tested before its release. As a result, it has become the best application for online document management and saves time for users. Here are some small tips to make it easier for you to master Google Docs.

For beginners

If this is your first time using Google Docs, there are a few things to keep in mind. Especially you can add some features and extensions through web applications if you use Google Chrome browser. Latest feature is support even when you are offline.


Here includes folders for you to organize and organize your documents. However, if you later want to reorder these files it will be much more difficult.

To create a collection, click your mouse on the Create button at the top left of the Google Docs home page. In the drop-down menu you will see options appear, select Collection and name your new collection.

Google Docs tricks for beginners Picture 1Google Docs tricks for beginners Picture 1

By default this new collection will be in My Collections . If you want to create more subfolders for it, simply right-click the name of the item to create, select Create new > Collections .

Google Docs tricks for beginners Picture 2Google Docs tricks for beginners Picture 2


To migrate your existing documents to Google's cloud, there are several methods available.

If you have many documents to upload to the cloud, applications like Gladinet can be used. Gladinet will help you put entire files in certain folders or set up those folders. Once completed you need to rearrange them.

Alternatively, you can upload them separately or by directory. If you choose this way, you first need to import the files into the newly created collection.

Google Docs tricks for beginners Picture 3Google Docs tricks for beginners Picture 3


If you've ever used Excel, this can make you feel a little different. However, many of the same features and settings are also available in Google Docs. If you are an Excel expert, unfortunately there are not enough things you need.

Also consider using Google Forms to export spreadsheets and storage on Google Docs.


Google Docs supports many shortcuts to make it more convenient for users to work with spreadsheets.

  1. Ctrl + ~: Displays the entire calculation formula.
  2. Ctrl + up arrow (Up arrow) + S: Create a copy.
  3. Up arrow (Up arrow) + F11: Add a new sheet.
  4. Up arrow (Up arrow) + Space: Select the column.
  5. Ctrl + Up arrow (Up arrow) + Space: Select the item.
  6. Alt + Up arrow + 5: Create a horizontal line.
  7. Ctrl + Y: Redo (Rendo).
  8. Ctrl + Up arrow + PageDown: Switch to the next sheet.


Google Docs is the top choice for desktop computers to replace even heavy-duty, heavy-duty installation software like Microsoft Office. With its flexibility, you can access your documents anywhere as long as there are computers or mobile devices connected to the internet.

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