Fujitsu launched two laptop models using Flash drives

In terms of design, the LifeBook P1610 is a 'convertible notebook'. This is the type of laptop with flexible screen that can rotate multi-way. And LifeBook B6210 is still a traditional clamshell shell.

Japanese manufacturer Fujitsu has just launched two touchscreen laptops in the ultra-light line using a new Flash drive.

In terms of design, the LifeBook P1610 is a "convertible notebook". This is the type of laptop with flexible screen that can rotate multi-way. The LifeBook B6210 is still a traditional "clamshell" clam shell.

LifeBook P1610 and LifeBook B6210 use flash drives with capacities of 16GB and 32GB. Besides the version using the Flash drive, the manufacturer also released a version using a regular hard drive.

According to Current Analysis analyst Hans Casto, unlike current laptops in the market, ultra-light laptops currently account for only about 1% of the retail market.

Normally ultra-light touchscreen laptop products are often used in hospital or financial environments that require extremely high flexibility.

Picture 1 of Fujitsu launched two laptop models using Flash drives

LifeBook B6210

"Flash's rise"

Flash drives have better durability, impact resistance and energy efficiency than traditional hard drives. Simply because the Flash drive does not have a rotating disk reader and ring as in a traditional hard drive. Another advantage is that the Flash drive does not generate much noise.

Therefore, in the past few years, flash drives have been widely used in a wide range of devices such as mobile digital music players, data storage . However this product is has not been widely used in laptop products because the price is too high.

This trend is gradually changing in the last few months because Flash drive prices are showing signs of going down.

" Technology is ready but the manufacturer thinks the price is still too high ," said Casto. " But this year I think this situation will no longer exist ."

But look at Fujitsu's two new product prices. The version uses a 16GB flash drive that costs more than $ 700 on a regular hard drive version. Meanwhile, the version uses 32GB flash drive more expensive than the $ 1,200. The starting price of the LifeBook P1610 uses a traditional 30GB drive of $ 1,649.

" This is not a price for ordinary users ."

Hoang Dung

Update 25 May 2019


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