Supplementing vitamin E for the body is necessary to maintain a healthy body, a young, fresh beauty. However, not everyone knows to take vitamin E properly to promote the effectiveness of this nutrient.

Quick review of content

  1. What effect does Vitamin E have?
    1. Healing effects
    2. Beauty effects
  2. Instructions on how to take vitamin E

What effect does Vitamin E have?

Vitamin E is known as the "god of medicine" of health and beauty. The effects it brings to our bodies are very important:

Healing effects

  1. Support treatment of menstrual disorders, reduce dysmenorrhea and burning
  2. Balance hormones, reduce estrogen levels
  3. Improve appetite, limit overweight, obesity
  4. Balance cholesterol
  5. Promote blood circulation, increase nutrients and energy to feed cells
  6. Increases the body's resistance
  7. Support treatment of blurred vision, uveitis, farsightedness, eye pain, improved vision, .
  8. Combine with vitamin C to prevent and treat some dementia
  9. Preventing pregnancy poisoning, reducing the rate of miscarriage or premature birth
  10. Reduces the risk of some cancers in women such as breast cancer and ovarian cancer
  11. Improve sexual function

Beauty effects

  1. Balance moisture, increase elasticity on skin
  2. Reduces dermatitis, resists skin aging agents
  3. Stimulates hair to grow thicker and smoother
  4. Help your scalp stay healthy
  5. Reduces wrinkles and signs of aging on the skin

How to take vitamin E properly? Picture 1

Vitamin E - an effective beauty medicine

Instructions on how to take vitamin E

Vitamin E is very good and benign. However, if not used properly, it cannot be used to the fullest, even causing some harm to the body. Here are some important notes you should know when taking this vitamin:

  1. From the age of 25 (the skin starts to age) is the best time to start adding vitamins to your body
  2. About dosage: Vitamin E used in high doses can cause digestive disorders, abdominal pain, nausea, tongue cracking, gingivitis, laryngitis. Meanwhile, if used at low doses will not meet the minimum needs of the body (100-400 IU / day). Therefore, you need to use it as directed by your doctor or according to the dosage indicated on the product packaging.
  3. Do not take vitamin E at the same time with vitamin K, aspirin or iron-rich medicines, but should be at least 8-12 hours.
  4. Do not use oral vitamins to apply to your face
  5. Each course of vitamin administration should last only 1 - 2 months and then take some time to continue taking
  6. Vitamin E should be taken in the dark mornings, possibly before or after meals. In addition, to increase the efficiency of vitamin absorption, you should combine with a high-fat menu.

How to take vitamin E properly? Picture 2

Use Vitamin E properly to get the best results

Hope our sharing will help you use vitamin E properly and effectively. Contact for advice and order the best products.

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