Find and Replace functions in Excel

The following article details how to use Find and Replace in Excel.

The following article details how to use Find and Replace in Excel.

1. Find () function

- Meaning: Used to determine the starting position of the substring in the string containing the search string. The return value is a number.

- Syntax: FIND (find_text, within_text [, start_num]) .


+ find_text: string to search.

+ within_text: string containing the string to search.

+ start_num: search location.

- Example 1:

Find and Replace functions in Excel Picture 1Find and Replace functions in Excel Picture 1

- Example 2: Search for the letter "M" in the string with 2 letters m return value is 13. Thus Find function is case sensitive.

Find and Replace functions in Excel Picture 2Find and Replace functions in Excel Picture 2

- Example 3: Where a string has many characters to find, the Find () function returns the first found character. In the example below there are 2 letters T but the return value is 1.

Find and Replace functions in Excel Picture 3Find and Replace functions in Excel Picture 3

- Example 4: Where the function value is not found returns the value #VALUE .

Find and Replace functions in Excel Picture 4Find and Replace functions in Excel Picture 4

2. Replace () function

- Meaning: Used to replace 1 character or 1 substring in the original string with 1 other character or other substring.

- Syntax: REPLACE (old_text, start_num, num_chars, new_text) .


+ old_text: Text string containing substring to be replaced.

+ start_num: Start position instead.

+ num_chars: Number of characters to be replaced.

+ new_text: The replacement character string from the start position to the end of the number of characters to be replaced.

- For example:

Find and Replace functions in Excel Picture 5Find and Replace functions in Excel Picture 5

Good luck!

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