'Enchanting match' market of memory cards

Considering the psychology of buying cheap goods and only interested in the factors of consumer memory card capacity, memory cards of counterfeit and fake products are still manipulating the mobile phone market. This phenomenon has caused many difficulties c

Considering the psychology of buying cheap goods and only interested in the factors of consumer memory card capacity, memory cards of counterfeit and fake products are still manipulating the mobile phone market. This phenomenon has made it very difficult for customers to buy a memory card because they fall into a "mesmerizing battle" that does not know how to fake it. And more than anyone else, they are the ones who "lose money and bring back".

Golden brass mixed

While all other important accessories are officially imported, with guaranteed origins, the memory card that comes with the phone is quite ambiguous, confused between the two real - fake concepts. Only for donated memory cards, which are officially distributed, the quality and origin are guaranteed, and most of the mobile memory cards sold on the market today are sourced. unclear. Except for a few cards for Sony Ericsson phones sold in the showrooms of this company and Sony shops, the rest of the famous memory card companies like Kingston, Transcend, SanDisk, Kingmax have never had representative offices. In Vietnam, memory cards with these brands account for a huge market share in the memory card market.

According to e-Chip MOBILE's understanding, on the market today, memory cards for phones are often copied. In which, the type of MicoSD card is the most copied for its common use, then some Sony cards such as MMC, MEMORY STICK DUO . The price of these types of memory cards is also in the sky under the sea, often from VND 100,000 to VND 200,000 / car (fake card) and cards that are considered "genuine" are twice as expensive or even 3 times more. For example, a 1GB Transcend microSD is priced at VND 180,000, while counterfeit goods are only VND 100,000, MS ProDuo SONY 512 MB is a counterfeit price of VND 180,000 (Adapter included) while real products cost VND 350,000, MS ProDuo SONY 1 GB Counterfeit goods are 200,000 VND (Attached Adapter) and genuine is 500,000 VND, SONY 2 Pro MS ProDuo costs 340,000 VND and real price is 680,000 VND .

At phone supermarkets, the situation seems a bit brighter. With its position and prestige, supermarkets are able to find big partners with more stable and quality goods, although it is still not possible as other official sources, but in the eyes of supermarkets. This must accept this temporary solution. A source from thegioididong supermarket system said that because they cannot find an official distributor of memory cards in Vietnam, they are still importing memory cards from other reputable sources. The manager of the telephone supermarket Xuan Hong (District 10) also said that the source of the memory card at his supermarket always has clear invoices and vouchers, which are imported from big sources. Thus, before other developments, large supermarkets still have to evaluate their supply capacity by themselves, as well as using their own prestige to ensure the quality of the source of the card they sell, though Where does this card come from.

Good luck!

In the face of the unpredictable real situation, customers who buy memory cards almost fall into a "maze of battle". Many people wonder if it is real, what is fake, which goods are good. Mr. Ngo Quang Vinh (Bien Hoa, Dong Nai) said he currently has a Nokia N72 phone, a Dell Axim PDA x51v and a Canon A570is camera.

In the process of using these devices, he had to use different types of memory cards, but had a lot of difficulties when buying memory cards. Because the memory card on the market today has many categories, many brands, many prices, can be purchased in any phone store but to buy a quality memory card (genuine card) With reasonable prices is very difficult.

Picture 1 of 'Enchanting match' market of memory cards
He himself has consulted on many websites about how to distinguish memory cards, but it is still really difficult to distinguish real-fake, fake-like memory cards, as well as not knowing the address to buy real memory cards (genuine) where. ' There are websites that give statistics that show that 70 - 80% of the memory cards in the market are fake. I personally went to major phone stores like thegioididong store in Bien Hoa city, but the model of the MMC mobile memory card they gave me didn't give me the peace of mind that is genuine because there are some characteristics made I have to be suspicious '.

To learn about the current status of the memory card market, we went to a number of addresses that are considered 'furnaces' to provide memory cards of Hanoi. As a result, we only get the same answers as many shopkeepers: ' It's really good or fake. There is a warranty period of several years. Missed due to technical errors, come here for free, change . ' Having a store owner insists that his goods are genuine but when asked where the import is, provided by the distributor, he only hums through. A boss on Thai Ha Street showed me two MS ProDuo SONY memory cards with 1 GB and one fake (according to the shop owner but I think it is more accurate to be a cheap one).

Indeed, looking at them, I felt the same as sculpted and did not see a point to recognize. The article writer shook his head and laughed: ' I see the seed at Tan Thanh border gate ', the shopkeeper laughed again: ' This one (the cheaper one) is in China, portable, and the one This one (which is more expensive) is genuine, 100% genuine. Looking at me seems to know a lot, he reduced the price . ' Looking closer, we found a S on the memory card with less money printed a little fainter than the other one. But each of these details is difficult to distinguish between fake customers when buying a memory card. Therefore, more than anyone else, customers must equip themselves with basic knowledge of memory cards, learn carefully the type of card they intend to buy in order to avoid becoming "donkeys" of unscrupulous shop owners. .

Several ways to identify real memory cards

Sandisk memory card :

- On the box with 3-dimensional stamp against fake.
- When you look at the counterfeit stamp from the left, you will see a dot on the flank of the SanDisk logo in the stamp.
- When you look at the counterfeit stamp from the right side, you will see two dots on the flank of the SanDisk logo in the stamp.
- When you look at the anti-counterfeit stamp from the top down, you will see 3 dots on the flank of the SanDisk logo in the stamp.
- When you look at the counterfeit stamp from the bottom up, you will see 4 dots on the flank of the SanDisk logo in the stamp.

Kingston memory card :

- On the sticker on the front of the card, there is a triangle area with reflective paint. When looking in different directions, this triangle will change color.
- On the product case, there are numbers to check the existence of the product.

You can visit Kingston's website www.kingston.com/asia/verifyflash and do the following:

  1. Enter your card information and e-mail address.
  2. Click the Submit button.
  3. About 3 minutes later, your inbox (just shown above) will receive information from the company confirming whether the product is produced by Kingston.

Note : An e-mail address is only used to check a product. If you use two different e-mail addresses to check the same product, it will not work.

Transcend memory card

- If all Transcend products are fullbox (with separate box), the box will be heat-pressed and must be used to cut the box to get the product out. The product number on the card and on the box must match.
- All Transcend products have product codes printed on the card. You can check the existence of the product by visiting the website www.transcendusa.com/Support/SerialNo.asp and filling in the product specifications. After filling in the information and clicking submit, please wait for a response from the manufacturer. If the product is genuine, you will receive a reply containing information:

Product Description : xxx xxx xxx
Warranty : Life Time Warranty
Eg enter the Serial Number of SD card 2GB 150x = 5018732082
Product Description : 2GB SD CARD = 7
Warranty : Life Time Warranty

Update 25 May 2019


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