Each device supports a different type of card
The speed of a memory card is usually expressed in numbers: 10 MB / sec or 20MB / sec - writing speed per second, or through multiplier (like 60x or 80x). These symbols or terms indicate how quickly information or data can be written or read.
The faster the speed, the faster the memory card can recover data quickly after recording. This is especially important for digital images. A high-speed memory card means you can take a photo faster than usual, especially in high-resolution cameras.
However, if your device is not a "top ten" type, the speed is "fast" and you should not use fast speed cards to do anything.
5. Not all memory cards are the same
There are many different manufacturers, all of which are similar in size and features. But not every card is the same. Memory cards are produced in many standards so users can buy a cheap one and use it with many devices. However, this case is rare and mostly lucky. The advice is that you should buy cards with familiar brands and from official distribution agents.
6. Can the same card be used on different devices?
Different devices can use the same card, for example, PDAs, laptops or mobile phones can use SD cards. However, during use, you may not be able to access or use the stored data on it when transferring the card to another device because the personal device only supports special file structures. For example, a phone that does not support MP3 cannot play mp3 files on the card.
7. Is the data stored on the memory card safe?
When it comes to data safety, memory cards have a few advantages over hard drives or CDs / DVDs, such as better shock protection. Since there are not many separate parts, the possibility of card crashes or moves is less than that of a normal hard drive.
Besides, it is also less broken and scratched than CD or DVD. But also because of the small size, users often lose the card rather than losing small data on it.
8. Transfer data from memory card to PC
Some PCs and laptops have built-in card readers for you to transfer content directly to your computer. If your device does not support this feature, an independent card reader can be used instead of using a USB cable to transfer data. Mostly, this card reader supports many different memory card standards.
9. Data quality determines card capacity
The more complex or expensive your device is, the larger the memory card capacity. For example, plural cameras need more memory card capacity than low-dot cameras. Expensive PDAs with full multimedia features will need more capacity if you want to use them all.
The quality of data is the last factor determining how much you need. The general rule is that the better the quality, the more capacity it takes. For example, high-resolution photos need more memory than low-quality photos, high-quality compressed music takes up more space than MP3s of average quality.