Download and experience the extension to help you learn English when surfing Facebook very useful by the Vietnamese guy

Son Nguyen recently shared on J2Team Community group an extension to help users who just surf Facebook and can practice English on Chrome and Coc Coc extremely conveniently.

Son Nguyen recently shared on the J2Team Community group an extension created by himself to help users who just surf Facebook and can practice English on Chrome and Coc Coc extremely conveniently.

With this extension, you can add vocabulary to Facebook posts to learn more naturally.

Download link:

Learning English In Facebook Extension

Instructions for installing utilities:

Click on the three dots button in the upper right corner of the Chrome browser interface -> select More Tools (Other Tools)> Extensions .

Picture 1 of Download and experience the extension to help you learn English when surfing Facebook very useful by the Vietnamese guy

In the new window, click the Developer mode box at the top right of the screen.

Picture 2 of Download and experience the extension to help you learn English when surfing Facebook very useful by the Vietnamese guy

Click on Load unpacked extension .

Picture 3 of Download and experience the extension to help you learn English when surfing Facebook very useful by the Vietnamese guy

Add the Learning English utility to Download downloaded Facebook Extension to the browser.

Picture 4 of Download and experience the extension to help you learn English when surfing Facebook very useful by the Vietnamese guy

Access Facebook, click on the icon in the upper right corner of the browser to set up for personal use.

Picture 5 of Download and experience the extension to help you learn English when surfing Facebook very useful by the Vietnamese guy

Instructions for using Extensions.

See more:

  1. Operation Operation Faceblock, stop using Facebook within 24 hours will take place on April 11
  2. Facebook admits to 'scan' all user messages on the Messenger application
  3. Facebook users have to pay to turn off ads
  4. Facebook corrected with a series of new regulations to protect users' information after the scandal blew away $ 100 billion
Update 24 May 2019


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