Do you know that each one is more or less specialized in a field?

Right now, we live in a world that is provided with the tools and opportunities to develop skills in many areas. Sometimes, we ask ourselves: Is it better to know each one more or less in a field?

Right now, we live in a world that is provided with the tools and opportunities to develop skills in many areas. Sometimes, we ask ourselves: Is it better to know each one more or less in a field?

There are many interesting opportunities but quite " crazy ". This is a combination of a seemingly endless ocean who are competing against each other to attract buyers and potential customers. Therefore, a question arises:

Is it fair if we only specialize in one or a small field, focus on improving the value of those things, or turn ourselves into "multi-skill" - know a lot of skills at once to be able to meet all needs?

My answer is both. But we must be capable and skillful.

Picture 1 of Do you know that each one is more or less specialized in a field?

Less than what you can do and how to present, show all your skills? Although we have the opportunity to observe successful people today, they have a lot of skills in different fields but most if not all they will build their success through focus on becoming an expert in a field at a given time.

For example, Elon Musk - founder of 3 companies including Tesla, SpaceX and Solar City has reached a stage in his career, where he appears like a " god within his skills ". and industry sectors. But we must not forget that he became " proficient " and mastered a special skill for a while before building a portfolio of successful plans and experiences.

We will realize everything becomes easier until we are known for how to solve problems that have happened, known as an expert.

Notice what I emphasize on the word " so famous ". Becoming famous but not necessarily doing the same things, but doing what you can really do.

So according to me, what is an expert? I think an expert specializes in something special, what we can do. That means that being an expert is not only in the work we are doing, but more importantly, how we present ourselves with potential customers and prospects.

When we say we need to be an expert, doesn't mean we can't develop skills in different areas. In this way, however, we may have less time and energy focused on a specific field, such as photographers, logo designers, script writers, web designers. front-end or 3D character illustration.

It is important that we express ourselves as an expert at any particular stage in our career, so that when our ideal prospects see that brand and how to communicate what they are We can help them, we will be seen as an expert and it is best that an expert can serve the ideal customer.

We can change our differences whenever we want and can do everything we like behind that " perspective ." Many people worry that without telling the world what they can do, they will be reduced to potential opportunities with a range of different customers. As long as you identify an ideal target perspective to proactively promote your ability, being the most suitable person with a distinct, you will have a lot of development opportunities at your next job.

If you do not have enough opportunities - it is not that you have judged yourself too low or placed in a narrow range - the problem is that you are not actively engaging prospective customers who are appropriate. with your own skills.

As an expert, you can still tell people that you can do other things and accept to work in other fields, but your basic presentation profile is on the Web and the official description show that you have worked in any position in your career. That will reveal to people who fit into specific majors, which means you can spend a lot of time with skills and products with your name.

For example:

If you are a designer and now you are providing web design, logo design, illustration and printing services, consider narrowing your main expertise to have a clear trait. more like print design. Unless you have a team that shares the same name with you, each individual in that group can provide different skills.

During this time, try to narrow your expertise to just print design and also have an ideal perspective on the Italian restaurant industry. Now your business has a better name. By expressing you as a print designer for restaurants, when potential customers come to you, they will find that you are a perfect fit for them and moreover, probably want to work with you.

If prospective customers see your business and see you as a printing specialist in restaurants, they will definitely want to work collaboratively with you.

In fact, each of us is attracted to professionals and if you are an expert, you are more likely to develop your skills in that area.

For example, in my case, I spent 10 years honing the graphics expertise as an expert on top-down maps and landscapes ( top down ) in a very specific landscape.

So think about how you can narrow down your services to create something more subtle. This will be the only skill, ideal for using one or a very small number of tools or methods.

Additional example:

  1. Wildlife photography
  2. Documentary film director
  3. Urban fashion designer
  4. Write a non-fiction category of anxiety reduction
  5. Directed art magazine
  6. Painting portraits of people / animals / clowns

Do you want outstanding professional referrals as a key point on your website? This way, you can communicate with people but I want to say that you can still present other things in your profile on another page and through the links on your site if you want.

As an expert, it is much easier to master - advance - in a certain corner of the market and really become famous in your area of ​​expertise.

Speaking of example a photographer, you were chosen to be an urban landscape expert in China. Now you have more opportunities to be noticed and appreciated than the general ground. You have the right to choose the right customers, even if they don't plan to take photos in China.

Remember, you were chosen to be an expert in China for a while. You can be an expert in that field forever or you can turn your focus to something else and present it as an expert - a few months or years from now. You may be an urban professional photographer in China today but may be an urban professional photographer in Russia next year.

Note that an expert needs to be "complementary" by the effective and positive promotion that I mentioned in many previous articles.

What you are doing is excellent, mastering a skill at a time and reaping such rewards. Finally, you can be known as a multidisciplinary genius.

For businesses now, experts on one thing will be known for that.

Update 24 May 2019


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