Do not let this 19 regrets appear in your life

Let's change these 19 so you don't have to regret it. Certainly they will help you get what you want faster.

"Your time is limited so don't waste to live the life of another person, don't get caught up in dogma - because if that means you're living with what they have prepared for you" (Steve Jobs - 2015). The following 19 things are what you need to change if you don't want to, until the end of your life, regret your wish to act.

1. Do not make dreams

Most of us have dreams from very young. But when you grow up, real life makes each person seem to be farther away from what ever wanted. Think about this: There are many, many people around the world who are working hard to make their dreams come true. So why aren't you one of them?

2. Being dispersed by excuses and others

The excuse or excuse for laziness is not the reason. Reason is reasonable and excuses are not. And don't listen to anyone spreading negative thoughts to your head. Keep your will and continue with it.

Picture 1 of Do not let this 19 regrets appear in your life

3. Wait for the perfect moment

Perfect times are things that never exist. Although I do not claim to immediately act on everything, such as traveling around the world while you are in debt. However, always remember: Now is all we have. So act now and fulfill your goals. Nobody anticipates the future.

4. Don't know how to value health

I bet a lot of people have been in this situation: Never care about health until they get sick. Why not do the opposite: Always take care, stay healthy even when you're healthy?

5. Do not help others

It's easy to be a selfish person, but it's not difficult to start doing a good thing and you can't imagine how a small act can affect a person's life. . So go out from today and be ready to help others.

Picture 2 of Do not let this 19 regrets appear in your life

6. Don't dare to be reckless

There are 2 types of risks: risk with pre-calculation and risk without calculation. Dare to challenge and embark on risks that are calculated beforehand, because the results will be extremely rewarding.

7. Don't make loved ones happy

Loving ones are the most important part of your life. So make them laugh and laugh more.

8. Give up before succeeding

You still remember this saying in the fairy tale Cinderella, "Even the miraculous things take a bit of time . " That's the real world. Be patient and keep trying, success will come to you.

  1. Disney animation and 23 meaningful lessons about life

9. Live too fast and skip small things

Busy, busy, busy. This seems to be the catch phrase of many people. Although not busy, there is no joy, but don't let this make you lose other important things. Please allocate time to work and take time to enjoy life.

Picture 3 of Do not let this 19 regrets appear in your life

10. Do not meet people who live actively

"Black near ink near the bright lights". Do not let "vampires" suck your material and spirit. Spend time talking and learning positive people who will help you gain confidence and motivation to try. However, this does not mean that you alienate the weaker, return to help them.

11. Do not travel when you are young and healthy

If you have money to travel or you are passionate about travel, be ready to "carry your backpack and go" right from a young age to admire the beauty of the world. There are too many things outside that are waiting for you to discover. So, do it.

12. Worry too much and cherish too little

Robert Downey Jr. once said that "Worry is like you are praying for what you don't want to happen". So, focus on what you have instead of being too focused on what you don't have.

13. Do not learn from mistakes

Nobody wants to admit they made a mistake, though, every mistake is an opportunity to break through. So, learn from these mistakes today, or you'll have to regret it later.

Picture 4 of Do not let this 19 regrets appear in your life

14. Do not plan for the future

Some people do not know their place in life so often to "take the wind". Although it may seem interesting to some people, it doesn't take you to the target. So, find what you want and start acting.

15. Do not take responsibility for your life

Your life is the result of a series of past choices. So, don't blame anything. Be brave to take the error and take the initiative to fix it.

16. Don't enjoy time with your children

Although, there will be times when children make you uncomfortable but once "enough feathered wings", they will have to "fly away" to make their own dreams. So, please take the time to play with your children now so that you won't regret it later.

17. Don't listen to your heart

Occasionally, listening to other people's advice will be very good. But this does not mean you ignore your intuition and intuition. Sometimes, listening to your heart is also great.

Picture 5 of Do not let this 19 regrets appear in your life

18. Don't know who you can trust

Knowing who can believe, who can't believe is very difficult for many people. Therefore, try to learn this lesson early instead of trying to "cram" the belief in everyone.

19. Don't say what you should have said

Don't tell someone that you love them? Don't tell someone how much you appreciate them? What are you waiting for? There is no great time by the present.

Update 24 May 2019


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