9 simple habits that can change your life become better

Here are 9 daily routines if hardworking will help your life in the better direction.
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In life, sometimes changing a few small habits will help you have a more positive life. In a day you can do a dozen jobs at the same time. So why can't this routine be done? This is really nothing difficult or boring at all.

Here are 9 useful habits you should practice to help life become more positive.

9. Start your day with a glass of lemonade

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Wake up in the morning to a glass of warm water with lemon to wake up your senses, as well as boost your metabolism. In lemon contains a large amount of vitamin C, helps increase immunity, kill bacteria. So if you maintain this routine, it will often improve a lot for your skin.

Using vitamin C is a great way to prevent skin aging and wrinkle formation in women. Not only does this food keep you healthy and prevent infection.

In winter drinking warm lemon juice is also a good way to limit the appearance of phlegm in the throat.

8. Wipe the surface of the stones made from chamomile water

Put chrysanthemum into tea and then put it in ice tray to use daily to clean your face. Using chrysanthemum water daily helps provide water, reducing wrinkles for the skin. In chrysanthemum contains vitamins A, E and especially flavonoid . which are extremely good antioxidants.

Vitamin A is a very good nutrient for the skin, stimulates the skin to heal scars quickly and prevents skin diseases such as acne, while prolonging the aging process by blocking the development of the root due to (anti-aging). Vitamin E helps protect skin from environmental pollution, against ultraviolet rays .

As for flavonoids, it helps to ensure elasticity and water retention for the skin, so it is used extensively in skin care cosmetics.

Besides, wiping the surface of this water will help the skin stimulate metabolism in the skin. Practice this habit every morning, which is a great way to help your skin stay full of vitality.

7. Carrying snacks is an indispensable daily routine

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With modern life like today, we humans often have the habit of eating it, not needing to know whether these foods are beneficial to health. It is this habit that is one of the enemies of unhealthy lifestyles. Every day instead of eating processed foods, you can use fruit or yogurt.

6. Floss

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Dental health directly affects the health of the body, especially cardiovascular diseases. So, after eating, just use dental floss to remove all the food that is still stuck in the teeth.

When you first use dental floss, your gums may bleed a bit because you are not used or have not done it properly. Therefore, should follow the dentist's instructions. In case of bleeding, stop until your benefits become healthier.

If after a few days your gums still bleed, see a dentist for help.

5. Eat an apple after a meal

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After eating for 30 minutes you can brush your teeth to clean your mouth. However, under no conditions, you can eat an apple after every meal.

Eating apples is the best way to clean your teeth as well as improve blood circulation in your gums.

Researchers say eating fresh fruits like apples, oranges and bananas can prevent brain damage and neurodegenerative disorders like Alzheimer's disease.

4. Shower with shower

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Showering is a great way to strengthen the nervous system and blood vessels in the body. In addition, bathing in this way is also effective in preventing and treating veins.

Daily bathing not only helps you cleanse the dirt on your body but also relieves stress and fatigue after a day's work.

3. Put a water bottle on the desk

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Our body is 70% water, so drinking enough water helps the body to function effectively and healthy. However, the daily drinking habits are not much concerned by the people, causing the body to lack water without knowing it. So in order to formulate your daily drinking habits, put a pitcher in your sight to form a regular drinking habit.

2. Eat nuts

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Eat at least 50g of dried nuts daily. Dried seeds contain fatty acids and omega-3, which help strengthen the cardiovascular system, hair and nails.

In addition, this food group contains selenium, antioxidants, vitamin E, plant sterols (substances that reduce harmful cholesterol), potassium, calcium, iron, magnesium and zinc . so they are a repository of vitamins and nutrients that we don't have to worry about.

1. Read books every day

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Instead of surfing Facebook on your phone, practice reading when you have free time. Reading regularly will improve your memory as well as your logical thinking and imagination. Especially for older people reading books can slow the development of Alzheimer's disease and dementia.

If you are just beginning to develop reading habits, just read for 15-20 minutes, and then start increasing the time.

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