Did you know: Physical activity can reduce the risk of bacterial infection

This is considered a new miracle medicine mission from regular active physical activity.

This is considered a new miracle medicine mission from regular active physical activity.

Before, we know that physical activity and sports often bring many health benefits such as reducing the risk of obesity, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, colon disease, breast cancer, depression. .

However, the new discovery shows that people who are active and physically active are 10% less likely to infect bacteria than those who sit in one place. - Researcher Kathrine Pape Madsen of Aalborg University in Denmark said in a statement.

Picture 1 of Did you know: Physical activity can reduce the risk of bacterial infection
Photo source: Internet.

Not only that, people who exercise, are physically active, can reduce the risk of cystitis and urinary tract infection by up to 32%.

In order to obtain the above results, the research team conducted a review of the relationship between physical activity, activity time with the possibility and risk of bacterial infection on the body 18,874 continuously in for a year in the North Denmark region.

This research has just been published online on Newkerala.

Huynh Dung ( According to Newkerala)

Update 24 May 2019


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