Destroying Vietnamese hackers attacking the network in the UK

On December 20, Colonel Nguyen Thanh Hoa, Head of the High-tech Crime Investigation Police Department (C50), the Ministry of Public Security, said that he has coordinated with the UK Police to discover the VN hacker case ...

On December 20, Colonel Nguyen Thanh Hoa, Director of the High-tech Crime Investigation Police Department (C50), the Ministry of Public Security, said that he has coordinated with the UK Police to discover the hacked Vietnamese hacker information of about 100,000 credit cards in the UK, illicit profits of billions.

Picture 1 of Destroying Vietnamese hackers attacking the network in the UK

Image for illustrative purposes. (internet source)

Earlier, information from the UK Police Agency said the subjects had hacked into the network of a British company stealing information of 100,000 credit cards worth £ 6 million. The trace left indicates that the incident is related to Vietnamese hackers. The British authorities asked the Vietnamese authorities to coordinate.

4 hackers shocked

After conducting many professional measures, C50 discovered a number of domestic and foreign objects related to the above acts. In particular, it is clear that the subjects Le Dang Khoa, Nguyen Ngoc Lam, Nguyen Ngoc Thanh and Nguyen Dinh Nghi (living in Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City) are the leaders of the break-ins. These subjects are all very young and good at information technology.

At the police office, these hackers initially claimed to have " turned " other people's credit accounts into their own and stole money from their accounts. In order to avoid being detected by the account holder, they transfer money into several times with little value. In addition to dealing with domestic authorities, they do not directly accept money but hire others to use their ID cards to carry out procedures to withdraw money at banks. In addition to cash, they also buy many valuable assets such as laptops, expensive items and then mail them.

So far, the police have clarified the above hackers have used stolen money to buy gold worth over 4.7 billion dong, investing in real estate with the amount of billions of dong. In addition, because the user is not used up, the hackers also sell information on credit cards online, who needs to pay an agreed amount, calculated on the amount of the credit card.

A series of serious cases

According to Colonel Nguyen Thanh Hoa, this is a particularly serious case and authorities are considering prosecuting the case and prosecuting the accused.

However, Colonel Hoa also said that the current law still has many shortcomings, so handling these hackers will face many difficulties. ' As a rule of law, we must clarify who the victim is, how to steal, how much to steal but in this case, the victims do not know that they have stolen, further determined it's not easy to be harmed , "Colonel Hoa said.

He also said that in some countries such as England, Australia, this specialized crime force has 300-400 people, while in Vietnam the specialized force is very limited, only the police force, and the Institute inspection and the court is not yet available so it is difficult to handle. ' In addition to the inadequacies of the legal system and forces, agencies and enterprises in areas with high risk of being attacked by this criminal still have a subjective thought, when things happen and then worry. ' Mr. Hoa shared.

Colonel Hoa acknowledged, in recent times, high-tech crime, especially the type of hacker infiltrating the system to steal information, accounts are taking place extremely hot.

In addition to the UK incident, C50 is investigating an information theft of 1,000 other credit accounts in Australia. Another incident, which is being verified by C50, is that hackers collude with a number of foreign users to use credit accounts to steal tickets online and sell them cheaply.

According to C50 estimates, through the above procedure, every year hackers have lost 5% of electronic ticket sales to a number of domestic airlines.

Update 26 May 2019


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