Dreaming while dreaming, what the hell is happening?

Dream in dreams is one of the most strange and difficult dreams in science. The dream is so authentic that you don't realize you're dreaming. They are very similar and it can change according to people's thoughts.

You are startled to wake up, do everything everyday like brushing your teeth, washing your face, eating breakfast . and then suddenly realize that you are still in your dreams and wake up again. Or simply say you dreamed of waking up. It is a dream awakening or false awakening phenomenon.

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Dreaming while dreaming, what the hell is happening? Picture 1Dreaming while dreaming, what the hell is happening? Picture 1

"Dream Dream" is one of the most strange and difficult dreams in science. The dream is so authentic that you don't realize you're dreaming. They are very similar and it can change according to people's thoughts.

The fear is that we are in a dream and our subconscious often tends to passively think negatively.

Imagine, how horrible would you feel if all the worst situations could happen in the same morning? Every night such dreams continue to happen? There are even some dream dreams that repeat repeatedly in the same night, you wake up, wake up, and wake up a few more times to get rid of it.

Most 'victims' of this bizarre phenomenon feel terrible stress because of such dreams.

Dreaming while dreaming, what the hell is happening? Picture 2Dreaming while dreaming, what the hell is happening? Picture 2

What causes people to "dream in dreams"?

Unfortunately, the current science has not been able to determine the cause of this bizarre phenomenon. Experts give two assumptions as follows:

The first hypothesis is stress and anxiety. It is the fear of what is about to happen that will make you dream about it. Then, the brain will dream about waking up, then recreating exactly what the most terrible thing can happen.

In addition, unreasonable expectations can create such a dream. When you are too worried, you will believe that you will have nightmares and wake up in the middle of the night, or in the early morning (very soon). The process will create a "fake consciousness" phenomenon that you yourself don't know until you experience it directly.

Dreaming while dreaming, what the hell is happening? Picture 3Dreaming while dreaming, what the hell is happening? Picture 3

Another theory is due to the sleep fragmentation of the brain. Because our sleep is divided into several stages, and the "dream" area and the area responsible for awareness suddenly work at the same time. This makes your dreams very real and follow your own thoughts without you knowing.

Is "dreaming dream" a phenomenon of "shadowing"?

These two phenomena are completely different.

Basically, the phenomenon of sleep paralyzed can occur both during sleep and when waking up. Although the body is unable to move, you can feel everything clearly around. The reason is that there is a period of brain that paralyzes the body, but at the same time the part of the brain responsible for awareness suddenly wakes up.

Dreaming while dreaming, what the hell is happening? Picture 4Dreaming while dreaming, what the hell is happening? Picture 4

With "dream dreams", you may not be able to move, but that is entirely happening in your dreams. And the cause of this phenomenon is because you are too scared, not from the brain.

How to prevent the 'dream dream' phenomenon

"Dream Dream" is a fairly common phenomenon that many people have experienced without knowing it is a sign of a mental illness.

However, if such dreams often appear to make you feel tired, you should consider visiting psychologists for help.

To avoid encountering this phenomenon, you should note some things in the daily life as follows:

  1. Do not drink coffee, or alcoholic drinks in the evening because they contain substances that make you more active. That affects your sleep a lot.
  2. Exercise regularly to relieve stress.
  3. Sleep on time, getting enough sleep is a good habit for the body and helps reduce the likelihood of such dreams happening.
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