Computer has Open With error and how to fix it effectively
Your computer has an Open With error and you don't know how to fix this situation? See TipsMake's instructions now, everything you need to fix is in the article.
How to restore Open With files to the original Win 11/Win 10 format is a question that users are very interested in when encountering the Open With error. This is a situation where the file becomes some kind of icon. When the user opens the file, there is an error and cannot be opened with the file reading software.
So you don't have to wait any longer, here's how to fix the Open With error on your computer quickly. Apply the computer tips below to handle errors!
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Instructions on how to fix the Open With error on your computer very quickly
The common reason for the Open With error on the computer is because the user did not open the file using Open With properly. Therefore, restoring Open with to its original state is an effective measure.
How to restore Open With files to the original Windows 10 format? The following are ways to return the file to the original format you are looking for. Note, admin does this on Windows 10. For Windows 11 operating system, do the same but the interface will be a little different!
1/ Edit Choose default program
For this measure, the implementation is not too complicated. Users only need:
- Step 1 : Find the location of the corrupted file > Then, right-click on the file and select Open With > Select the line ' Choose another app ' as shown.
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- Step 2 : At this point, you need to select the correct application corresponding to the corrupted file. For example, .doc or .docx select Word, .png select Photos/Paint. Continue, you need to tick ' Always use this app to open.docx files ' > Click OK to complete this process.
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2/ Fix errors in Registry
If the above solution doesn't work, try applying this method!
- Step 1 : The user presses the Windows + R key combination > When the Run dialog box appears, enter the keyword ' regedit ' into the search box > Click OK to run.
- Step 2 : In the next interface, users need to open the following path:
- HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionExplorerFileExtsInkOpenWithList
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- Step 3 : At this point, you will see a list of files appear, proceed to delete all items and leave only Default as shown below.
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- Step 4 : Continue clicking OpenWithProgids (below OpenWithList) > Similarly, delete all sub-items and only Default remains .
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- Step 5 : Finally, delete the UserChoice folder (under OpenWithProgids) > Check the file again to see if there are any errors again.
TipsMake has shared how to fix the Open With error on the computer. Wish you success and don't forget to follow my other articles.
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