Chinese startups experimenting with projects tracking lost dogs through 'nose marks'

The artificial intelligence model is able to determine the 'identity' of each individual dog by means of a difference in their 'nose mark'.

Megvii, a potential AI startup company based in China, is often known for providing facial recognition software for government surveillance programs, currently expanding. Our technology to a whole new market, beyond the human aspect, is to identify pets through the characteristics of strong students.

According to the Abacus News report, in this new project, Megvii engineers trained an artificial intelligence model capable of identifying the 'identity' of individual dogs by means of differences in their 'nose marks'. Similar to human fingerprints, every dog ​​possesses a unique nose mark structure, not the same. This project works on the principle of collecting, screening and collating results to find matching points, similar to fingerprint identification systems.

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Picture 1 of Chinese startups experimenting with projects tracking lost dogs through 'nose marks'
Keep track of lost dogs through the 'nose mark'

The way to use this technology is also very simple. You only download and install the Megvii application on your phone, then create a registration profile for your puppy by scanning the image of the tip of your nose through the camera on your phone. Like the way you register your fingerprint to use biometric unlock feature on smart phones, the app loves Megvii to ask you to take a picture of the dog's nose from different angles to collect the amount The most complete and accurate data.

Engineers Megvii confidently affirmed that the AI ​​model and their identification algorithms can give an accuracy of up to 95%, and have helped more than 15,000 puppies stray with their owners through a standalone application. This is good.

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Modern life, busy making many young people not only in China but almost everywhere in the world feel tired and do not have enough time to make friends or go out to participate in other fun. They choose to keep pets as companions and at the same time help relieve stress. At the same time, pets now have very expensive prices, so pet-based technology through biometric features is being used more and more popular over the past few years, greatly reducing the unfortunately lost case.

In fact, the biometric identification technology for dynamics has been widely used in many different areas. This concept has been used by scientists very effectively in many wildlife conservation projects. In the US, an app called Finding Rover also uses facial recognition technology to determine where cats or dogs are reported to be missing.

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Picture 2 of Chinese startups experimenting with projects tracking lost dogs through 'nose marks'
The owners of those who are 'less civilized' will also be punished


Picture 3 of Chinese startups experimenting with projects tracking lost dogs through 'nose marks'
However, in China, the task of Megvii application will not only stop helping puppies to reunite with their owners, but also 'carrying much more heavy responsibility. With a fairly close relationship with the government at the present time, Megvii said their application could potentially also be used to track the 'uncivilized' dog, or rather, the measure. making dog owners accountable for managing their pets to avoid negative impacts on the community. From the identity of dogs that do not muddy, go to the wrong place, or pose a danger to the community, the social management agency can accurately identify dog ​​owners and issue penalties. fit.

Update 15 July 2019


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