Laziness is like a poison apple, the medicine slowly loses its thinking and limbs becomes useless: don't fix it, don't 'dream big'!
He sat down and fell asleep on the road wearing his father to drive on the rough and rocky road. On the way, the father suddenly saw that there was an iron nail on the road with a horse's foot that someone dropped. The father shook Kumar and told him to jump down to pick up the other nail, bring it to the market, but Kumar, though he heard it, was lazy but sat still pretending to fall asleep.
The father once again shook his son, remembering that Kumar enjoyed eating the cherry, he said: "Jump down and pick me up, go to the market and sell it and buy the cherry for me to eat" but the Kumar boy still not moving, eyes still closed and pretending to sleep. Unfortunately, the father stopped the carriage and jumped down to pick up the iron nail.
Arriving at the market, after selling all the vegetables, the father came to the iron forging house and sold the horse's hooves for 100 VND, he bought a bag of cherries and put them away. On the way back to see the delicious cherry bag hanging in front of the car, though he craved it, Kumar boy did not dare to ask his father for being lazy. The father wanted to teach his son a lesson about laziness so he sat silently, ignoring the son's craving, he pretended to drop a cherry on the road.
There was no need for his father to urge or say anything, Kumar immediately jumped into the car, picked up the chewed cherries and chased after the car and jumped up. Just like that, the boy just jumped on the car and was not warm enough, the father pretended to drop a cherry, Kumar jumped back down, the father still beat the car normally, not waiting.
And Kumar had to chase the car every time to jump up. As soon as he came home, he ran out of bags and dug a few dozen fruits, Kumar had a sullen face because he could eat a cherry and had to follow the car with a short breath and then jumped back and forth.
The father asked: "Are you tired?", Kumar nodded because he had no strength to answer, the father said: "So you like to jump down once and jump up right away or a few dozen times and run after the car?" Kumar lowered his head to understand: "I understand my father, from now on I will not let laziness follow me anymore".
The lazy people who think idleness will give them more leisure, luck than other normal people. But, in fact, they were wrong. Lazy makes them feel more miserable, must run at full speed, must try 5 times, 10 times to catch up with others. You see, lazy shows you "short-term" pleasure. Want "long-term" comfort, start working now.
Laziness is like a poison apple, the medicine slowly loses its thinking and limbs becomes useless: don't fix it, don't 'dream big'! Picture 1
There is a carrier who needs to carry a certain amount of goods regularly and so he has found 2 horses to help me do this job.
The carrier divided the goods in half, each carrying half. Initially both children worked hard.
But every day, a child is hardworking and fast, one becomes lazy while walking and grazing. The shipper saw that and carried all the goods on the horse's back slowly on the horse's back.
The lazy horse found it more pleasurable and thought sarcasticly about the fast horse: "Damn it! The harder you work, the harder you work, as if this is better ?!".
Unfortunately, the carrier sees a child who can also handle the workload and thinks: "Why do I have to raise a lazy lazy child?"
So the carrier sold the lazy horse for people to kill.
The idea of manipulating trickery will help people be more successful, but laziness will indirectly submerge them into the gates, which are even more difficult and dangerous. There is no way off for lazy people. If yes, is the shortcut forever without light .
Laziness is like a poison apple, the medicine slowly loses its thinking and limbs becomes useless: don't fix it, don't 'dream big'! Picture 2
The Shahil family is on the list of the poorest families in the region, hearing that there will be a Red Cross charity group coming to give gifts to poor families so the Shahil couple are very happy.
The charity team brings big trucks carrying cattle - a means that will help families improve their lives. Depending on the family, each family is given horses, cows, buffaloes or sheep and pigs. Shahil's family was given a cow.
Shahil is very excited with his wife discussing what the plan will be, how to raise cows and how they will grow, how they can sell money, how to become a big herd of cattle and how they will eventually get rich . The couple finished discussing and then fell asleep, forgetting about making a cow a shelter for rain.
A few days later, both Shahil and his wife stood and sat down, discussed and looked at the cow and drew a prospect of wealth in the future, no one came out. A month later, the food was gone, Shahil's wife urged her husband to go out, Shahil told his wife: "I just thought of a great plan, we have nothing to feed the cows to be tired, we sell the cows, buy Two goats have enough money to buy food all week, they don't have to do it but it is easier to raise goats, these two goats will produce goats, then we will sell them freely. "
Shahil's wife praised her husband well, so they sold the cow, bought two goats, and the couple bought food to eat and drink well, and at the end of the meal, they talked about the rich and gleaming of a week of food. .
Laziness is like a poison apple, the medicine slowly loses its thinking and limbs becomes useless: don't fix it, don't 'dream big'! Picture 3
Shahil told his wife to sell goats, buy chickens and have enough money to eat and drink for another week. Then gradually they put the chicken in the pot every day, until two children were left, Shahil's wife said, "Let's just finish one, the other to breed," Shahil said: "What kind of animal does one have, Stop selling the baby and buy more wine to drink with this chicken for good, tomorrow. "
So while other poor families worked hard in the fields every day with the donated animals hoping for a better life, the Shahil and his wife returned to their original hands, running to eat each meal.
The comfort, the comfort is not easy but easy. To reach that threshold, people have to go through a long process of hard work. No matter how lucky it is to get lazy, it will soon disappear.
According to cafebiz
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