Butcher Broom - The exotic fruit tree grows from leaves

Butcher broom is probably one of the most exotic plants in the world. Unlike other ordinary plants, their tiny berries are sprouted in the middle of the leaf's face.

Surely anyone who first saw Butcher broom was surprised. Because different from other common plants, their tiny berries are sprouted in the middle of the leaf's face. And this is probably one of the most exotic plants in the world.

Picture 1 of Butcher Broom - The exotic fruit tree grows from leaves

Butcher broom, scientifically known as Ruscus aculeatus is grown from Iran to the Mediterranean and southern America.

Picture 2 of Butcher Broom - The exotic fruit tree grows from leaves

This is a flowering plant of the asparagus family, growing into dust.The tree is quite low, the stems and leaves are erect, quite hard, tough.

Picture 3 of Butcher Broom - The exotic fruit tree grows from leaves

Picture 4 of Butcher Broom - The exotic fruit tree grows from leaves

Beginning in the spring, from the leaves of the butcher pea plants grow small, white, green flowers.By the end of the flowers the flowers will grow into berry red fruits.Tiny red fruits that grow directly on the leaves look very strange.

Picture 5 of Butcher Broom - The exotic fruit tree grows from leaves

Although there is a strange way to make flowers and fruits, broombeans do not go against natural law.

Picture 6 of Butcher Broom - The exotic fruit tree grows from leaves

Although there are strange ways to produce flowers, Butcher's Broom brooms do not violate any rules in the plant world.

Picture 7 of Butcher Broom - The exotic fruit tree grows from leaves

Picture 8 of Butcher Broom - The exotic fruit tree grows from leaves

The study shows that there is a transition between branches and leaves with sprouting fruits called cladodes, a transformation of the higher plant body structure.Therefore the leaves still have the full functions of the trunk.

Picture 9 of Butcher Broom - The exotic fruit tree grows from leaves

This particular plant has been used by humans as a laxative and diuretic, treating other diseases such as hemorrhoids, varicose veins, itching and swelling.

Picture 10 of Butcher Broom - The exotic fruit tree grows from leaves

Also the young shoots of this plant can be eaten as asparagus.

Picture 11 of Butcher Broom - The exotic fruit tree grows from leaves

Therefore, they are grown in Western countries to make medicine, food and decorations.

Picture 12 of Butcher Broom - The exotic fruit tree grows from leaves

The name of this plant is called Butcher broom (meaning butcher's broom) because the butchers often use the branches connected to clean the cutting board.

Update 24 May 2019


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