British intelligence said no to Chinese computers

The Independent revealed two British intelligence agencies, MI6 and MI5, banned the use of Chinese-made Lenovo computers for fear of being vulnerable to intruders, stealing confidential information.

The Independent revealed two British intelligence agencies, MI6 and MI5, banned the use of Chinese-made Lenovo computers for fear of being vulnerable to intruders, stealing confidential information.

Picture 1 of British intelligence said no to Chinese computers

MI6 and MI5 checked and discovered Lenovo's computer has an electronic circuit that crooks can take advantage of to control remote computers and unaware computer owners, according to The Independent on July 29.

Not only British intelligence banned the use of Lenovo computers by intelligence agents, but the US, Australian, Canadian and New Zealand intelligence agencies also banned the use of its computers to store information. , top-secret data, The Independent said.

Lenovo said that they were " surprised " when intelligence of countries did not use their computers and confirmed that the computer had no technical errors.

The Independent quoted computer experts as saying that they found chips in Lenovo computers that could be activated remotely and crooks who could control the chips remotely, stop them or invade. into the data system inside the computer.

The US State Department in 2006 said it did not use a package of 16,000 Lenovo computers for security reasons.

Although the intelligence of countries does not use Lenovo's computers, the computer is still used by agencies and individuals for non-sensitive jobs.

On July 19, Michael Hayden , a former CIA director, affirmed that China's top telecommunications group Huawei is a major threat to Australian and American national security.

He also said that Western intelligence agencies have evidence that Huawei is a spy for China.

UK lawmakers last month asked the government to take necessary measures to ensure Huawei's telecommunications equipment provides British companies unable to use cyber attacks.

Lenovo, based in Beijing, is constantly expanding to world markets, with revenues of $ 29 billion in 2012, according to The Independent.

Update 25 May 2019


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