BlackBerry boss criticized Samsung KNOX

Recently, a university in Israel has discovered a flaw in Galaxy S4 secured by KNOX that allows crooks to steal information from the computer. Although Samsung has cleared the error belongs to Android operating system, not KNOX, BlackBerry still does not forgive Korean phone company.

Recently, a university in Israel has discovered a flaw in Galaxy S4 secured by KNOX that allows crooks to steal information from the computer. Although Samsung has cleared the error belongs to Android operating system, not KNOX, BlackBerry still does not forgive Korean phone company.

Picture 1 of BlackBerry boss criticized Samsung KNOX

John Sims, the new chairman of BlackBerry's Enterprise Services division, said that KNOX is only available on certain Samsung models, so this is not an option for places that allow employees to carry their devices. into the workplace. " However, there are a large number of businesses where the trend of BYOD (Bring your own device - bringing personal equipment to work). KNOX is not flexible enough for BYOD ."

" While Samsung is still testing its business platform and fixing its security bugs, industries that require security can be confident that there is nothing more secure than a BlackBerry device managed by BlackBerry Enterprise Server. That's why we are the mobile device and service management provider for the only business that received the "Department of Defense" of the US Department of Defense, " Sims added.

According to the BlackBerry boss, the Canadian mobile carrier currently holds 61% market share of mobile device management for businesses and will continue to expand. Currently, BES has 80,000 corporate and government organizations, which can manage BlackBerry, iOS and Android devices. CEO John Chen of BlackBerry said BES will soon support Windows Phone.

Update 25 May 2019


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