Apple will provide a special iPhone version for hackers

Apple will first announce the iPhone for developers with special features at the Black Hat conference in Las Vegas (USA) this weekend.

Apple will first announce "developer iPhone" with many special features at this Black Hat conference in Las Vegas (USA) this weekend. This move by Apple shows that this technology company is gradually opening up to the security world.

This special smartphone is "open" than the market-based iPhone versions that allow hackers to do a lot of work to see what happens when they attack the iOS code. Take deep access to each part of the operating system, for example, or even stop processor operations, which they cannot do on commercial iPhones.

However, this particular iPhone model has not been fully opened. For example, the firmware decoding capability reserved for the Apple security team on the internal iPhone version.

Picture 1 of Apple will provide a special iPhone version for hackers
Apple will build its own iPhone version for developers. Photo: Vice.

Apple will directly choose hackers to provide this special iPhone version. If someone can detect errors in the product, it is possible that Apple will award them depending on the severity, up to $ 200,000. In addition, if they detect security issues in macOS, they will also be paid.

Previously, because of concerns that devices for developers could leak, sell on "black markets", Apple was not open to hackers. To avoid possible risks like what happened with prototypes, it is likely that Apple will apply some control measures on these devices.

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Update 07 August 2019


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