An author uses AI to write 97 books in 9 months, selling online for only a few dollars

Author Tim Boucher with the help of some AI tools published 97 fantasy books in 9 months.

Author Tim Boucher with the help of some AI tools published 97 fantasy books in 9 months.

Boucher revealed that each volume is about 2,000-5,000 words long, containing about 40-140 AI-generated images. Thanks to AI tools, each Boucher book takes only about 6-8 hours to create, some even 3 hours. This book is being sold by the author for 1.99-3.99 USD online.

The sci-fi author also revealed to use ChatGPT and Claude to brainstorm and write content, using the Midjour AI image generator to draw illustrations for the books.

According to Tim Boucher, AI allows authors to efficiently dive into complex world-building, increasing performance while maintaining consistent quality.

Picture 1 of An author uses AI to write 97 books in 9 months, selling online for only a few dollars


The book market has recently begun to appear many works of AI. In February, on Amazon's bookstore, there were more than 200 titles with ChatGPT as author or co-author. The most popular are the AI ​​manuals and children's books.

Ammaar Reshi, director of product design at a San Francisco-based fintech company, once revealed that he used ChatGPT and Midjourney to write and illustrate a children's book called Alice. and Sparkle, in 72 hours.

Some were upset about how the AI ​​image generator used their work, while others questioned the quality of the AI-generated book content.

Update 27 June 2023


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