Adjust line spacing in Word - Instructions on how to adjust line spacing in Word 2007, 2010, 2013, 2016
Line spacing in the text is an important element to make your text more visible and clear. You should not leave the line spacing too thick to make the reader difficult to see and should not leave too sparse line spacing will be wasted when you print. The following article shows how to adjust line spacing in Word 2007, 2010, 2013, 2016
Step 1: Select the text to adjust the line spacing -> on the Home tab -> click the arrow in Paragraph:
Step 2: A dialog box appears and select Indents and Spacing tab, enter the following values:
- Section Spacing: adjust the distance between the paragraphs, the minimum distance between 2 paragraphs is 6pt:
+ Before: Distance from the previous paragraph.
+ After: Distance from the following paragraph
Note the Before and After values you should put equal values for your text to be balanced.
For example, here enter the value After = Before = 3pt.
Section Line Spacing: enter distances between selected lines of at least 1 line or more, the maximum distance between the lines is 1.5 line:
+ Single: Line spacing is equal to 1 single line.
+ 1.5 lines: The line expansion is equal to 1.5 lines.
+ Double: The line spacing is equal to 2 single lines.
+ At least: Distance between at least equal to the value set in at least. If there are larger font sizes on the line than are set in the aleast, then line the text larger. If smaller, the line spacing is equal to the value in at least.
+ Excactly: Line expansion is exactly equal to the value set in Excactly
+ Multiple: Line spacing with value you set.
For example, here, select single line break:
Result of lines spaced by single line:
Example of line spacing by 1.5 lines:
In addition, you can automatically line the value set to Multiple if you want to stretch the line to set the value of 1.3 if you want to collapse the value to 0.9. For example, here we need to widen the lines:
The result has a line spacing at will:
In addition to using the fast line spacing feature, simply go to the Home tab and click on the Line and Paragrap Spacing icon -> select the value of line spacing :
Use line spacing in case you need page numbering or line breaks to split a topic by page. For example, here I want to end paragraph 1 on page 1, paragraph 2 on page 2:
Select the paragraph you want to align the line spacing -> click on the Line and Paragrap Spacing icon -> line spacing is at the value of 1.5 you click to value 1.15:
The results have been reduced to part 1 on page 1:
So you can align the line spacing in Word, here the version of Word 2016 with the remaining versions you do the same. Good luck!
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