According to Amazon, these are the 25 best books about success and leadership you need to read

These books will be life guides that will help you shorten the path to success and become an excellent leader.

Among the 100 most popular leadership and success books selected by Amazon editors, Business Insider Magazine has selected 25 most prominent titles, giving you a total view. about the true meaning of success as well as how each person can exploit the full potential of his inner self.

Note : Some of the books on this list still do not have official Vietnamese translations, so we still leave them in English or translated temporarily.

1. Getting to Yes - Roger Fisher, William Ury and Bruce Patton

Picture 1 of According to Amazon, these are the 25 best books about success and leadership you need to read

Getting to Yes is the best-selling business book first published in 1981 and the second edition in 1991. Getting to Yes is based on the Harvard Negotiation Project (Harvard Negotiation Project), offering strategies to resolve personal and business conflicts, including separating people from the problem, then focusing on each other's interests and finding common interests rather than is paying attention to their position in the negotiations.

2. Getting Things Done (David Allen) - David Allen

Thirteen years after his first publication, David Allen had to republish the Getting Things Done to meet the needs of the reader.

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Getting things done (Getting things done), veteran coach, management consultant David Allen shares effective ways to help you - like tens of thousands of others have He trained, reduced stress and found comfort in life. Allen's message is brief: Reorganize yourself to free your mind and focus on what is more worthy. This is considered a useful handbook for those who need a solution to manage time both at work and in life.

One of the most striking aspects of this book is the two-minute rule : If the job only takes less than 2 minutes, do it now and start everything in just two minutes (learning a language: turn on the audio and open, less than 2 minutes; exercise: put on shoes and run: less than two minutes .)

3. Getting More - Stuart Diamond

In this bestseller, Diamond has completely changed the traditional negotiating strategies. Instead, he proposed that it is important to assess the feelings and perceptions of partners.

Picture 3 of According to Amazon, these are the 25 best books about success and leadership you need to read

Sharing with Business Insider Magazine , the author wrote: "The more important the negotiations are, the more emotional people will have. Whether it is a diplomatic encounter, a deal worth $ 1 billion." Or just a kid who likes to eat a ice cream, pay attention to this, the world is not based on reason.

Diamond also used this book to teach at Wharton business school and Google also used it in its staff training program.

4. Freakonomics - Steven D. Levitt and Stephen J. Dubner

Picture 4 of According to Amazon, these are the 25 best books about success and leadership you need to read

With Freakonomics, economist Levitt and New York Times Dubner journalist have made economics more understandable to readers by analyzing how it is expressed in all matters, from cheating. cheating until parenting.

Immediately after publishing this book, the two authors also began blogging and publishing podcasts of the same name. Currently, both programs are very popular.

5. Flying Without a Net - Thomas J. DeLong

Picture 5 of According to Amazon, these are the 25 best books about success and leadership you need to read

"Flying Without a Net" is an unpopular idiom in English that implies coping with risks without preventive measures. However, in the book Flying Without a Net , DeLong - professor at Hardvard University and also former CEO of Morgan Stanley offers a lot of evidence and practical solutions that help each person turn their fear into into "fuel" to succeed. If you want to learn about psychological analysis and improve your business acutely, this is a book that should be the top priority in your reading list.

6. Flow - Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi

Picture 6 of According to Amazon, these are the 25 best books about success and leadership you need to read

In life we ​​always do everything to ultimately lead to a common goal, that is to have happiness. So how does happiness affect our lives according to the mechanism? For author Csikszentmihalyi , happiness is a product of life when we constantly expand our limits to discover ourselves. Happiness is a personal experience that cannot be copied as a recipe.

Csikszentmihalyi stressed, "your happiness depends greatly on your ability to be able to achieve this state."

7. First, Break all the Rules (First, break all rules) - Marcus Buckingham and Curt Coffman

Picture 7 of According to Amazon, these are the 25 best books about success and leadership you need to read

Head of Facebook's human resources department Lori Goler shared with Business Insider Magazine that First, Break all the Rules is a book that greatly influenced her management philosophy. After reading it, she decided to turn the largest social network on the planet into a power-based organization.

First, Break All the Rules encourages managers to personalize and escape traditional thinking. Two Gallup consultants, Buckingham and Coffman, collected feedback from more than 80,000 interviews to determine that the best managers were "revolutionaries" who knew how to use the right people for the right jobs. bring employees to their favorite jobs. One of the lessons of this book is: Treat employees in a personalized way, set up specific tasks and effectiveness, focusing on employees' strengths instead of looking for their weaknesses. .

8. Find a Way - Diana Nyad

Picture 8 of According to Amazon, these are the 25 best books about success and leadership you need to read

In 2013, Nyad became the first person to swim from Cuba to Florida at the age of 64 without a shark cage. In the Find a Way book , she describes the experiences to achieve this achievement including the failure that occurred 30 years earlier and explains how to get perseverance to become America's hero.

9. Execution - Larry Bossidy and Ram Charan

In 1998, Bossidy was voted CEO of the year by Chief Executive Magazine for his successes in leading AlliedSignal.

Picture 9 of According to Amazon, these are the 25 best books about success and leadership you need to read

In 2002, Bossidy joined a business consultant Ram Charan to write a book entitled Execution to share their experiences in the process of bringing a company to greatness, thanks in large part to the right recruitment. people.

Feeling about this book, Michael Dell , the CEO of DELL Computer, said, "If you want to become a CEO - or if you are a CEO and want to keep this chair, read Execution and apply. proposed principles when working ".

10. Essentialism (Translation: Existingism) - Greg McKeown

Picture 10 of According to Amazon, these are the 25 best books about success and leadership you need to read

"Essentialism - The Disciplined Pursuit of Less" is one of the world's best-selling books ranked by the New York Times, and is also one of the most interested and loved business books by ratings. of Amazon.

Greg McKeown's "Efficient - Persistence with singular" is the solution to all of the problems we are experiencing, such as feeling of lack of time, inefficient work .; At the same time, it is also a guideline for how to control life optimally. With the motto of doing less - but better "Efficientism - Perseverance with singular" revolves around two main issues that help readers become aware of "effective" people ("effective" people are always) just think of "few" jobs that are effective, focus your entire energy on something really important and achieve significant progress and how to be "effective".

11. Emotional Intelligence - Daniel Goleman

Picture 11 of According to Amazon, these are the 25 best books about success and leadership you need to read

In this book, Goleman psychologist emphasizes IQ is not everything when it comes to success . It is an understanding of the face because we only focus on rational wisdom and forget that emotions are also an extremely important form of wisdom for humanity and humanity as well as success in life. living. Goleman also affirmed that emotional intelligence can be learned by developing 5 core elements.

12. Elon Musk - Ashlee Vance

Picture 12 of According to Amazon, these are the 25 best books about success and leadership you need to read

In his book, Bloomberg veteran journalist Ashlee Vanc e introduced the life of Silicon Valley's most daring entrepreneur, Elon Musk , from a boy who received South African education until he became technology magnate, CEO of SpaceX and Tesla, father of 5 children. Vance spent 30 hours chatting with Mush and interviewing nearly 300 people, telling the story of how Musk changed the world.

He argued that Musk - one of the most unusual and prominent figures in American business history - is a modern mix of legendary inventors and industrialists like Thomas Edison, Henry Ford, Howard Hughes and Steve Jobs.

13. Eat That Frog! - Brian Tracy

Picture 13 of According to Amazon, these are the 25 best books about success and leadership you need to read

Brian Tracy is the President of Brian Tracy International Company and a renowned motivational speaker in the US and the world. In Eat That Frog! , he stressed if our need to do every morning is to eat a living frog - the most horrible thing - then we should not postpone it but do it right away to fully enjoy a comfortable day. means that the unwanted thing has been done.

That ugly, horrible frog symbolizes the most important tasks that each of us must prioritize in our work plan. Avoiding critical work, we will never achieve the expected success.

14. Drive (Motivation 3.0) - Daniel H. Pink

Picture 14 of According to Amazon, these are the 25 best books about success and leadership you need to read

Pink is the author of many famous business titles and Drive is one of them. This 2009 bestseller shows the differences between theory and reality as well as our impact on our lives. In it, he emphasized three factors that create real motivation, which is autonomy - longing to master his own life; t mastering - the urge to constantly improve and supplement knowledge about any problem; ideal - yearning for dedication not for myself.

15. Do Over - Jon Acuff

Picture 15 of According to Amazon, these are the 25 best books about success and leadership you need to read

In this book, Acuff has helped readers prepare for unexpected events in their careers - whether it is losing a job or having a better new opportunity.

With 16 years of working experience in US corporations, Acuff has introduced a concept he calls "savings account for career". This account contains all the skills and experiences that have been accumulated, categorized into relationships, skills, personalities and other things.

16. Crush It! (Passion for discovery) - Gary Vaynerchuk

Picture 16 of According to Amazon, these are the 25 best books about success and leadership you need to read

Vaynerchuk - a startup entrepreneur and a technology investor wrote that there is no better time than now if you want to pursue your passion and start a business. With Crush it! , the author will give you a golden rule of success, which is: Love your family, work hard, pipe with passion , and emphasize: "The Internet can help anyone live. be honest with yourself and earn a lot of money by turning their passion into their personal brand ".

17. Choose Yourself (Interpreting: Choosing yourself) - James Altucher

Picture 17 of According to Amazon, these are the 25 best books about success and leadership you need to read

"This is a new world," said Altucher, and the traditional ways to succeed are no longer relevant. "The only way we can become an entrepreneur, an artist, an innovator or whatever we want to achieve that successful life is to choose ourselves for that success." In a talk in 2013 with Business Insider, Altucher shared: "We no longer rely on old models (schools, corporations, governments .) to create safety and success. the merits we deserve ".

This book will provide a lot of failure stories as well as the success of entrepreneurs on the path to getting rich. Altucher's ideas about getting rich will certainly be challenging but also an opportunity to change the way you think about the business plan you're pursuing.

18. Chicken Soup for the Soul - Jack Canfield, Mark Victor Hansen and Amy Newmark

Picture 18 of According to Amazon, these are the 25 best books about success and leadership you need to read

In 2013, the book "Soul Seeds" Chicken Soup for the Soul celebrated the 20th anniversary of this book on the market with 20 additional inspirational stories warming the hearts of millions Readers.

With Chicken Soup for the Soul, you will gain more experience and know-how about love, family affection, and persistently pursue the passion shared by real people - those who have experienced it. the difficulties you are having.

19. Change Your Brain, Change Your Life (Change your life, change your life) - Daniel G. Amen

Picture 19 of According to Amazon, these are the 25 best books about success and leadership you need to read

Neuropsychologist Daniel Amen has provided "brain prescription" very simple to help people overcome psychological and emotional obstacles, including anxiety and anger, by practicing writing out paper, breathing exercises, and even helpful dietary advice for the brain.

These solutions are proposed based on the process of discussing his impressive research results when learning about the connection between brain, behavior and emotions.

20. Business Adventures - John Brooks

Picture 20 of According to Amazon, these are the 25 best books about success and leadership you need to read

"Business Adventures" by John Brooks is a collection of articles published in the New Yorker of the late journalist in the 1960s, which addresses issues macroeconomic topics, specific things faced by major US businesses. This is also the favorite book of two billionaires Warren Buffett and Bill Gates.

21. Big Magic - Elizabeth Gilbert

Picture 21 of According to Amazon, these are the 25 best books about success and leadership you need to read

Gilbert - the author of the bestseller "Eat, Pray, Love" wants to help readers overcome their fears and explore their creative potential like she did.

Each of the 6 sections of the book - including courage, passion, permission, patience, faith and magic - contains tips and strategies to help you find inspiration. like nurturing the curiosity in everyday life.

22. Awaken the Giant Within - Tony Robbins

Picture 22 of According to Amazon, these are the 25 best books about success and leadership you need to read

Awaken the Giant Within - a 1992 bestseller from one of the world's most famous motivational speakers will give you practical advice to pursue your passion.

"I truly believe in each of us there is an extraordinary person who is sleeping. Everyone has talent, talent and even a little genius of genius just waiting to be awakened ."

23. Andrew Carnegie - David Nasaw

Picture 23 of According to Amazon, these are the 25 best books about success and leadership you need to read

Nasaw pointed out that the way Carnegie - a poor immigrant from Scotland became the richest man in America after building the steel industry. Moreover, you will understand why Carnegie finally decided to give away all his assets.

Business Insider magazine stresses that this is one of the best biographies to read for anyone who wants to get rich.

24. A New Earth (Eckhart Tolle) - Eckhart Tolle

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A New Earth encourages us to live with the present if we want to seek true happiness. In this book, the author has also outlined steps to overcome the "me" of awareness and come to enlightenment.

25. #Girlboss - Sophia Amoruso

Picture 25 of According to Amazon, these are the 25 best books about success and leadership you need to read

In #Girlboss , the founder of the famous online retailer Nasty Gal shared stories about her as a stubborn child, including stealing, driving crazy on the street and doing so. they have paved the way for her great success later. This book contains a full range of practical career and life tips that will inspire you to pursue your own passions and pathways.

The bottom line: Everything won't be easy, but it's definitely worth it.

Update 24 May 2019


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