9 typical examples of spirit that surpasses fate

Ludwig van Beethoven, Albert Einstein or Stephen Hawking are all very ordinary people but their energies are extremely extraordinary. They can do it, you can do it.

Ludwig van Beethoven , Albert Einstein or Stephen Hawking are names that are no stranger to us but the road full of thorns to make great successes makes the whole world admire them not everyone knows. The achievement they achieved is not based on any miracle, it is simply the will of oneself to overcome all.

Here are 9 of the many mirrors that rise to adversity to make the great things that BrightSide page has aggregated.

1. Stephen Hawking - "physical king", legendary scientist, author of the famous book "A Brief History of Time"

Since he was a student, Stephen has begun to notice symptoms of muscular atrophy. The disease progressed and over a few years, his body was almost completely paralyzed. More seriously, after throat surgery, he lost the ability to speak.

ALS is a disease that makes nerve cells paralyzed. Once infected, the patient will feel the body slowly freeze until it is completely paralyzed. They gradually lose their ability to exercise, unable to chew medicine, food and have difficulty breathing.

Stephen once said, "In my third year at Oxford, I found myself being clumsy. I fell a few times without knowing why. It was not until I attended Cambridge, that my father noticed and gave me. He sent me to a specialist, and right after my 21-year-old birthday, I began to do tests at the hospital, believing that I had motor neurosis made me very shocked. "
Despite these difficulties, nothing could stop him from getting married twice, raising three children and becoming one of the most eminent scientists of all time.

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For his part, Stephen thinks that research has helped him to have a lot of time that others cannot."Previously, life seemed boring. Now I am certainly happier. The prospect of death soon made me realize that life is worth living. So many things can be done; can do a lot of things! ".

2. Nick Vujicic - a energetic human being

Born on December 4, 1982 in Melbourne, Australia, Nick Vujicic is a healthy child, but has no arms and legs. No one can explain why he has this extremely rare syndrome. His life seemed to go away but he proved the opposite."I don't need hands and feet, just God gives me a life purpose."

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Now that Nick has become one of the most famous inspirational speakers, he has a degree in economics, married a beautiful girl and has two children. He wrote books, sang, played golf, surf. He traveled everywhere to share the story of his life with the desire to inspire young people and to all those who are unhappy as he stands up to find the life of his life.

3. Franklin D. Roosevelt - the only president in American history elected 4 times

Franklin Delano Roosevel is the 32nd US president known as a legend in history. He led the American people through a severe world economic crisis and World War II in the dark years of the mid-20th century. He was also the only US president elected to four terms.

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In 1921, he was diagnosed with polio. The disease of evil monsters caused his body to become exhausted and unable to walk. Although in a serious condition, no one had ever heard him complain. Moreover, he was determined to practice with iron crutches and sticks. Despite his pain, he always tried to stand upright in front of American citizens and never let them see his wheelchair. Roosevelt said: "The only thing that prevents us from coming to enlightenment tomorrow is our doubts today."

4. Helen Keller - the first blind person in the world to receive a university degree

Helen Keller is a German-American, born on June 27, 1880 in Tuscumbia in northwestern Alabama. In the first 19 months of her life, Helen was a plump, lovely, lovely girl, chirping like a bird. But just after a battle of cerebral palsy, she lost almost all of a person's ability to communicate: not hearing the sound and not seeing the light.

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There have been 7 US Presidents and Prime Ministers of many countries who have spent time with her. Helen Keller has gone around the world to tell people the same plight: "Disability is not the ultimate unhappiness of man. The blind is not a genius, not a fool. The responsibility of the community is to help that person do his best to be able to win light through work ". With all his extraordinary efforts, Helen Keller wrote 12 books - 12 The most glorious song about human rise.

Helen Keller has achieved success thanks to her strong and eager to learn character. She said: "When a door closes, another door opens; but we often because we regret the closed door without seeing the other door opened."

5. Ludwig van Beethoven - genius musician

Ludwig van Beethoven (December 17, 1770 - March 26, 1827) was a German classical composer. Much of his life lived in Vienna. He was an important musical icon during the transition period from classical music to romantic music era, and was considered to be the way for the romantic music era. Beethoven is widely recognized as the greatest, most famous and genius composer and influences many composers and musicians later.

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At the age of 26, Ludwig began to lose his hearing but this condition did not stop him from writing. When it was almost impossible to hear, he wrote Moonlight sonate and when completely deaf, he continued to compose a short piece called Fur Elise (often appearing in musical toys).

With Beethoven, "there is no barrier between people with talent and love for work."

6. Albert Einstein - Physics genius

Albert Einstein (March 14, 1879 - April 18, 1955) was a German theoretical physicist who won the 1921 Nobel Prize in Physics for "dedication to theoretical physics", famous for his discovery. the law of photovoltaic effect - an important turning point for quantum theory and the author of the world's most famous equation - equations for the relationship between mass and energy E = mc 2 .

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Einstein is a slow-talking child. Even his parents had to take him to the doctor."My parents were so scared that they had to consult a doctor" - Einstein later recalled. Even when he was about two years old, when he started to say some words, he had another bad habit that made his family member call him "idiot". Whenever he wanted to say something, he would have to try it out first by muttering to himself until he felt fine.

Albert Einstein said: "Everyone is a genius. But if you judge a fish by the ability to climb trees, it will believe in your whole life that you are stupid."

7. Frida Kahlo - "Holy woman" painting in the 20th century

Frida Kahlo is a Mexican artist who became famous for his special paintings.

At 6 years old, Frida Kahlo was diagnosed with polio. She had to undergo 9 months of bedridden and then the doctor said that only exercise could improve Frida Kahlo's right leg. Despite trying to play many sports such as soccer, martial arts, tree climbing, sailing, but the female artist's right leg still shrunk. In 1953, after many complications, Frida Kahlo's right leg was necrotic and had to be amputated from the knee down. She became a disabled woman from there.

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For most of his life, Frida Kahlo suffered from the consequences of spinal and leg injuries from childhood disasters and youth. She had to undergo more than 30 surgeries in both Mexico and the US to fix the problem, often having to be friends with tests, X-rays, blood transfusions, physical therapy .

8. Ray Charles - music legend

Ray Charles is a legendary American musician who received 12 Grammy Awards. Since he was a child, his vision was limited and before he was 7 he was completely blind. When Ray was 15, his mother died. After a period of crisis and thought he would go crazy, he realized that when he had overcome the tragedies, nothing was impossible for him.

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Some of Ray Charles's famous songs like "Hit the Road Jack", "I Can't Stop Loving You" and "Busted". He once said in his memoir, written in 1978 as "Brother Ray" that: "It seems that I was born with music flowing in my veins. Maybe I can explain why I love music. Music as a part of my body, like food, drinking water and I need it to live. "

9. Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra - famous novelist

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Miguel de Cervantes is a famous Spanish novelist, poet and playwright. He is best known for his two-volume novel "Don Quixote - the talented aristocratic knight of Mancha". This is not only the most important work of his life but also the greatest work of Spanish language. Even in a survey conducted by the Norwegian Nobel Institute, this work was voted the best novel of all time .

In his youth, Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra was a soldier. At the age of 24, in the battle of Lepanto, he lost his left arm. Four years later, he became a prisoner of war in Algeria and had to leave home for the next five years. Only after he was released could he return to his normal life and begin his literary career.

Update 24 May 2019


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