9 mistakes should be avoided to start an effective working day

Join us to find out 9 mistakes to avoid to start an effective working day!

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Every one of us has experienced bad days, but if you feel you are stagnant all the time, your work is ineffective, it's time to review. Here are 9 basic mistakes to avoid to start a productive day. Invite you to consult!

1. The work space is messy and indiscriminate

Picture 1 of 9 mistakes should be avoided to start an effective working day

If your desk is littered with junk food, different types of papers, different types of books or any extra items will make you feel harder to work.Arrange your belongings in a neat cabinet or container, or even remove unnecessary items . Remember to leave only what's really important on the table to save time and reduce your inhibition.

2. Use social networks

Picture 2 of 9 mistakes should be avoided to start an effective working day

Opening Facebook, Twitter or other social networking sites on the web while working may sound interesting, but this will greatly reduce the amount of work that could have been completed sooner. Going through social networks, even every few minutes, will make you less productive . In addition, just watching and updating social networking sites in a short period of time is a very difficult task. Therefore, you should stop and let the social network update until the job is completed.

3. Not getting enough sleep

Picture 3 of 9 mistakes should be avoided to start an effective working day

People who sleep between 7 and 9 hours a night will always be energetic at waking up and able to concentrate better, so that the work is done more smoothly. If during the day, you always feel sleepy, your productivity is reduced and your work is also badly affected, chances are you're not getting enough sleep.

If in case you can't sleep 7 hours at night, go to bed earlier. Productivity will be significantly improved when the body is fully rested.

4. Do not take advantage of naps

Picture 4 of 9 mistakes should be avoided to start an effective working day

When you get enough sleep at night, but still feel sluggish during the day, taking a nap can make you feel better. Try taking a nap for about 20 minutes, you will feel alert when you wake up without affecting the sleep that night.

5. Do not eat or drink in moderation

Picture 5 of 9 mistakes should be avoided to start an effective working day

Our bodies need food to produce energy. Without a scientific diet, we will feel very tired. Before going to work, you need to eat a good breakfast because it is an energy-generating meal for the entire day. When you feel necessary, you should also have a snack if you are hungry. Preparing your own lunch is also a way to make sure your body gets the necessary nutrients.

See also: If you want to succeed, remember these 15 things carefully

6. Do not arrange priority jobs

Picture 6 of 9 mistakes should be avoided to start an effective working day

It is difficult to decide what to do at any time if you don't plan ahead . By evaluating and arranging the importance of each job from high to low, you can save a lot of work time.

Spend some time during the day to decide what is the most important job. Sorting tasks in order of priority will help you have a more productive day.

7. Do not list what to do

Picture 7 of 9 mistakes should be avoided to start an effective working day

The list of things to do in the day is really helpful. When making a list of things to do, you will master the time to complete them. Writing down those jobs also makes you more responsible, so the ability to complete the job is also higher.

8. Or delay

Picture 8 of 9 mistakes should be avoided to start an effective working day

Once you postpone something, it is more likely that you will continue to hesitate with it. Change this habit and start working as soon as they appear, instead of just doing it when you feel like it ( once you want to delay it, you'll never feel like doing them anymore ).

9. Don't like to ask

Picture 9 of 9 mistakes should be avoided to start an effective working day

It's not a shame to need someone to help you with your work. Sometimes, we often postpone our work just because it's a bit difficult or because we're not sure how to accomplish it. If you feel unsure or need more explanation or simply ask for help from someone. This will save you a lot of time and effort.

See more: If trying forever still fails, maybe you have made 13 mistakes!

Having fun!

Update 24 May 2019


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