5 basic marketing mistakes you must avoid

Here are 5 bad mistakes in marketing, which make the efforts in your campaign fail.

When it comes to marketing, most people want to learn about the best way to market or how to become a successful marketer.We all tend to search and follow easy paths and are pre-oriented.So why don't we wonder about the fundamental errors in marketing ?No one can become a talented marketer or any kind of business if they will not learn from mistakes.So this is absolutely true for marketing people, before becoming good marketers they are all losers.

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Once, I had the opportunity to interview a successful businessman. I asked him about the brilliant milestones in his business career. He only told me one thing: " It was the mistakes that made me more perfect and could make the right decisions ". In any case, we often use the experience gained in all available marketing campaigns, regardless of whether they fit our marketing product or not.

Today, I will tell you about five bad marketing mistakes , which make the efforts of your campaign fail.

1. Identify wrong target customers

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This is a huge mistake in marketing. Marketing is not about bringing your products around the world. A good marketer is someone who will spend a lot of time researching deeply about their products, as well as the coverage that their products can reach. Have you ever thought about why big brands like Apple, Microsoft, Facebook, . are very successful? I know for sure that we never think about this. But let me tell you this: they succeed because they have a perfect plan and they know their target customers well. They have a perfect team of employees who specialize in analyzing demographic habits of target customers. That is why these brands are dominating our world today.

Marketing is not just about making a difference in a magazine, top websites or products created. It includes a certain operation cycle. Just like the System Development Life Cycle (SDLC), marketing works the same way. If you want to make your marketing campaign successful, then you must carefully research the target customers of the product. Choosing the wrong customer will make your marketing campaign completely fail.

2. Using too much budget and success rate is too low

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I realize that startups (startups) use viral marketing strategies to increase conversion energy. But have you ever paid attention to their spending budgets and their earnings? What if you spend thousands of dollars and only get 10% of your profits? It will drain your business. Be a smart marketer. Budget does not mean you have to spend the entire budget in a short period of time or at the beginning. The main purpose of spending is to gain benefits. I have seen many marketers spend only 50% of their marketing budgets and earn 500% ROI (Return on Investment).

3. Subjective to your marketing strategy

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OMG!Competitors are the most important part of your business play. Never underestimate your opponent. Refer to their strategy, campaign deployment process and of course their product plan. I have a great tip for you in this section: that's when you see a big competitor in your industry, come up with the most unique ways. Things will grow in a good way.

All of us are working to beat our competitors by spending huge amounts of money on journalism and content marketing (an important part of Marketing including news, photos, videos .), Local social marketing and advertising. Have we ever thought that we will crush our opponents with an outdated strategy? Think about it and watch your opponent closely. Don't care about their strength, keep your eye on it, because it will bring 70% of the benefits to your work.

4. Do not use data that is too old (especially email)

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If you are running a marketing team or the owner of a business, you will probably have many projects running and many projects completed. In each project, creating an email list is a very important step. It is not a great choice but you can still use them in another project.

But always consider your customer group's style and preferences . Don't forget this, otherwise things will become a terrible mistake. The main purpose of consideration and selection is to eliminate people who are not your target customers. So use the data from the past when they are still valid. Because we all know very well that email marketing is an extremely effective tool if you know how to use them.

5. There are lazy staff and lack of qualifications

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Do you have a plentiful budget, a good strategy and few competitors but still don't achieve the perfect results you want?The question is, have you ever kept an eye on your staff?Do they really follow the strategy you have outlined?I am sure that a financial consultant will never pay attention to the quality assurance phase, and lazy people always use the easiest way to solve the problem.Ideally, each team member must understand the entire work requirements of the project and understand the tasks they need to do with the job.


I have seen a lot of start-up companies and campaigns have invested all their budgets into marketing, as well as product value because they don't have a proper plan and strategy. Those mistakes have ruined their business reputation quickly. If you really want to benefit your business, be sure to learn how to get rid of the mistakes I mentioned above!

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