11 common mistakes of young people today

If you're young, surely you've made these mistakes. Let's take a look at 11 common mistakes of young people today in the article below!
  1. Adapt to 7 daily routines that help balance life - work
  2. 5 simple actions to express your gratitude that you can try today
  3. 7 bad habits should give up to build better relationships

When we were young, we had the right to passion, dreams, and hope, even though it was a little nonsense. Not only that, we also have the right to support ourselves with the desire to live and experience the world around us. However, not everyone is perfect, knows " right " right from the early days of the young years. Of course, once you do not know, it is easy to make mistakes and it is likely that it will cause us to lose precious time or negatively affect our lives.

Spending a lot of time on social networks, spending uncontrollably or staying up late is common mistakes among young people today. If you only commit one of the following, you should also rethink and learn to control yourself and give up that bad habit.

To minimize the waste of life on useless things that can make you regret it, check out 11 common mistakes made by young people today to see if you are " nurturing " anything!

Spending money uncontrollably

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The lack of savings, where to go to spend it or spend too much on your interests is the reason many young people fall into financial crisis.

Sometimes, many people think that money provided by parents "or by making themselves should be comfortable and spend and enjoy. In order to one day the habit of consuming it was absorbed into the blood, any movement followed, leading to heavy debts, so it was impossible to repay.

See also: 8 critical mistakes that most people make and how to solve them

Find every way to impress

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Women always want to be perfect in every situation. However, consideration should be given to choosing outfits and makeup to suit the situation .

The magnificence or the price is sometimes not the deciding factor .Therefore, it is often said that one person shines best when confidently expressing himself.

Stay up too late

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Today, many young people have the habit of partying or staying up late at night to work, then the next day in a petty state, tired of lack of sleep. This situation lasts not only to affect the present life; but also affect health later.

See also: 12 causes of insomnia you never expected

Flashy makeup

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If you're young, you're still beautiful, take advantage of the natural beauty, but don't wear too gaudy makeup, just make you look old before your age.

Thinking about breaking up is the end of the world

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Unfavorable love story is the reason why many young people feel suffering and deadlock. However, time will help you learn to balance other interests in life.

The world now has 7 billion people, losing a person is not a lost world, so please love yourself more.

No business experience yet

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Young age means not having much experience in business as well as social judgment, making it easy for you to make wrong investment decisions. However, these expensive lessons may help you in the future.

Don't listen to the sweet seduction and then throw money into things that don't have a future . If investment is easy to eat like that, the whole world will be rich.

"Live virtual" on social networks

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Virtual living is a disease many young people suffer. Instead of focusing, trying in real life, they choose to deceive themselves and society through photos edited on social networks.

Social network is not an ideal and sincere " lover ". It is best to stay beautiful with relatives and friends around you.


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The bad habit of many people is to talk about other people's privacy , even though there is no reliable information. This only makes your image worse and the reliability of your words will not be appreciated. So say bad things to other people and then be bad people say.

See also: Why do so many people like to say bad things behind others?

Too mindful of other people's opinions

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Receiving comments from others can help you have a more objective view of yourself. However, if you are too preoccupied and worried about the assessments that hastily follow, you will only gradually lose your own.

Do not appreciate the current time

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Modern life makes young people miss the opportunity to enjoy beautiful moments and meaning in life . The world around also knows how many wonders waiting for you to discover, but all the time you just leave your mind anywhere and finally just turn around in a vicious circle of work - social networks.

Spend too much time watching TV and fast food

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Too long exposure to a computer screen, staying up late, eating a lot of fast food is the cause of your health quickly.

Considering the film is not bad, but considering being tired, not caring about time, health is bad. Fast food is the same, sometimes " rewarding " yourself, it is not a nutritious food that must be loaded into the body every day.

The above-mentioned mistakes make sure that the most serious guys / girls have committed at least one thing, but as long as you realize the " wrong way of life " and change the health and the future. will be grateful to you!

See also: 9 bad habits that confident people never get

Having fun!

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