7 underground works overwhelmed you

With impressive scale, the giant buildings hidden deep underground below can make any visitor must be overwhelmed by their magnificence.

With impressive scale, the giant buildings hidden deep underground below can make any visitor must be overwhelmed by their magnificence.

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1. Mine of El Teniente, Chile

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This is the largest copper mine in the world located in southern Santiago, Chile. It began operating in 1905, and is still being continually expanded to extend mining time. Located in the Andes, the mine has more than 3,200 km of underground tunnels and nearly 1,600 km of underground tunnels.

2. Cappadocia underground city, Turkey

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The massive underground complex of the Cappadocia region in Turkey has been recognized as a world natural heritage since 1985. This huge structure includes more than 200 cities and villages for thousands of people. live, including a number of cities dating back to 3,000 BC.

3. Shelter Vivos Europa One, Germany

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At first, the Soviet Union built Vivos Europa One to contain military equipment. The work was carved into the rock beneath the 120m high mountain on German territory. This tunnel has an area of ​​about 21,000m2 with about 4,000 offices, 4.9km of tunnels running through and is fully equipped from power plants, warehouses, air filtration systems .

Currently, the Vivos Europa One is privately owned and becomes a luxurious anti-apocalyptic retreat and shelter because it can resist nuclear, chemical, earthquake and many attacks. another type of disaster.

4. G-Cans sewer system, Japan

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This is the largest underground flood discharge project in the world in Tokyo, Japan. This underground sewer system is located 22 m above the ground, 65m high, 32km in diameter.

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The most special feature of this great work is 59 columns of reinforced concrete, with each pillar weighing 500 tons, forming a solid support for the 177 m high pressure regulator tower, 78 m wide and 25 m long.

The Japanese took 10 years to complete this huge project, from 1992-2006.

5. Sanford Lab, South Dakota, USA Laboratory

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Sanford laboratory was built on the largest and deepest gold mine in the Americas located more than 1,500 meters above the ground. At a length of kilometers, this laboratory is used as a place to study dark matter because the massive mass of rock above will completely block cosmic rays.

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6. Wieliczka salt mine, Poland

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Wieliczka salt mine on the outskirts of Krakow, southern Poland is about 290km long, located at a depth of more than 300m underground is actually an underground maze. Salt mines began to come into operation in the 13th century and continue to operate in conjunction with tourism so far. Today, visitors can visit the mines to visit galleries of art and sculpture from salt.

7. Toledo, Italy metro station

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Toledo Train Station in Naples, Italy is 50 meters deep underground and covers an area of ​​more than 43,000m2. It began to open in 2012, covering many floors with walls that remained in the late 15th century decorated with beautiful white and green mosaics.

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In the lobby connecting floors, natural light shines down through conical and hexagonal structures creating an impressive beauty.

Update 24 May 2019


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