56 mummified bottles were found at Deir el-Bahari

A series of mummified vase-like artifacts were found by a research team when excavated at Ipi's grave (TT 315) at Deir el-Bahari in Luxor. Ipi is an ancient Egyptian Prime Minister and a supervisor of Thebes during the Amenemhat I era at the beginning of TK XII (early Middle Ages).

A series of mummified vase-like artifacts were found by a research team when excavated at Ipi's grave (TT 315) at Deir el-Bahari in Luxor. Ipi is an ancient Egyptian Prime Minister and a supervisor of Thebes during the Amenemhat I era at the beginning of TK XII (early Middle Ages).

Dr. Mahmoud Afifi (Ancient Egyptian Archaeologist) explained that the pots were found while excavating in the grave yard and discovered an auxiliary room located in the northeast corner containing the strange bottle. He noted that these jars were previously discovered by an Egyptian Egyptian scholar Herbert Winlock between 1921-1922, who placed them in this room and buried them and then forgotten until now.

Afifi also added: "The identification of these mummies is very important to understand the first embalming techniques used in China, as well as to assess the types of materials, substances and related materials. to the process of embalming ".

Picture 1 of 56 mummified bottles were found at Deir el-Bahari

Dr. Antonio Morales (Spanish delegation) said that, in addition to containers containing embalming materials found in Ipi tombs, they also discovered engravings, long shawls and cloth sheets. 4 m long linen and wide bandage, there are also canvas pieces containing fingers, toes, and other parts in the body of a blacksmith lying in a mummy.

Morales explains that these mummies contain about 300 mass sacks including salt, oil, sand, and other substances, as well as corks and jars. In addition, the Nile clay, the marl, the other signs, the monk's supplies were also found.

Update 24 May 2019


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