5 young lions collapsed giraffes

This is one of the first hunts of five young lions when their mother is no longer around. The first challenge for the young lions is a huge giraffe.

This is one of the first hunts of five young lions when their mother is no longer around. The first challenge for the young lions is a huge giraffe. Although there is no guidance from the mother lion, the 5 young lions are quite proficient, they divide the appropriate ambush position to attack the prey.

When the time was right, the whole flock began to take action. They in turn left the ambush position, coordinating the siege and chasing prey according to a predetermined plan.

In the wild, the lion is the only cat species in the herd and is also one of the most dangerous predators because they know how to work together to hunt large prey. .

Picture 1 of 5 young lions collapsed giraffes

Adult giraffes can own strong and up to 1.8m long legs. Thanks to those feet, giraffes can run at speeds of nearly 60km / h at short distances. Meanwhile, lions can accelerate to 80km / h when hunting prey. If 'single-handedly', the lion can hardly defeat the great prey, but because he knows how to coordinate hunting, the fate of the giraffe has been decided. With sharp teeth, the lions swarmed their prey with an even clogs set.

Update 02 April 2020


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