The brave mongoose drove the three lions alone

Despite being overwhelmed in numbers, the small mongoose didn't show any fear, it continued to rush toward the lion much larger than it was to eat it.

Despite being overwhelmed in numbers, the small mongoose didn't show any fear, it continued to rush toward the lion much larger than it was to eat it.

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The intense confrontation between a mongoose and three lions in the Maasai Mara National Reserve, Kenya was recorded by Jérôme Guillaumot, a wildlife photographer.

As soon as he climbed out of the cave, the civet let out a shriek and seemed ready to fight. On the contrary, the lion seemed frightened and kept moving backwards. Reached by the momentum, the mongoose bared sharp teeth against the enemy. In front of a small but aggressive opponent, the lions do not dare to rush to the small prey, though they are dominant in quantity.

The brave mongoose drove the three lions alone Picture 1The brave mongoose drove the three lions alone Picture 1
The mongoose bites to bite the green snake.(Photo: Caters News.)

The mongoose is a small predator that mainly lives in Africa, southern Asia and Europe. They often hunt lizards, insects and poisonous snakes. With sharp teeth and the ability to move swiftly, the mongoose sometimes does not attack larger animals.

See also: Civet jumps and pulls poisonous poisonous serpent on the tree to eat meat

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