5 ways to get the most out of f.lux on Windows 10

A popular choice for removing blue light from screens, the f.lux app has attracted interest from computer professionals around the world.

If you are a modern employee of the 21st century, you may have to spend all day staring at a screen. Constantly looking at screens for long periods of time is bad for both your productivity and your health. However, if you are a Windows user, there are countless solutions to this problem. A fairly common fix is ​​to use the f.lux app.

A popular choice for removing blue light from screens, the f.lux app has attracted interest from computer professionals around the world. In this article, TipsMake.com will introduce you to the best ways to make the most of the benefits that f.lux brings.

1. Don't turn on f.lux throughout the day

While this may sound obvious to some, it still needs to be noted again. Blue light is not the enemy. It keeps you awake and active during the day, so blue light is essential for a productive day.

Even if late-night blue light exposure isn't healthy for you in the long run, you shouldn't completely block blue light from screens. Doing so could very well lead to disrupted sleep cycles and make you sleepy even during the day. So don't turn on f.lux during the day.

2. Set your location right

Immediately after downloading and launching the app, you will be asked to provide your zip code or location in the initial setup.

This is to ensure that the f.lux setting is set to the local time zone where you live. You can enter the pin code, or if that doesn't work, you can enter the name of your city.

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3. Set wake time

Everyone is like no other. Some people like to get up at 5 and get their important work done early, while others like to take things slowly, little by little.

Whatever your tendencies, to get the most out of f.lux you must ensure that you have adjusted your f.lux settings to fit your daily schedule. You can do this right from the earliest wake time section in the bottom right corner of the app.

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To change the time setting, launch the app from the system tray in the bottom right corner and click the f.lux icon. Now use the arrow keys to increase or decrease the time as you see fit.

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4. Adjust color settings

When you first install the app, it comes with default settings, where the color setting is set to Recommended Colors.

Click on the upper right corner at the Recommended Colors option and you will get a drop-down list with tons of options. There will be options like Reduce Eyestrain, Classic f.lux, Working Late, etc.

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The article recommends that you try all the settings. Get a quick feel for each one, or simply use something that works better for you from time to time. For example, whenever I have to work late at night, I always pay attention to setting the display setting to Reduce Eyestrain, so I can work more without hurting my eyes or affecting my operation. cardiovascular artery.

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If you want to take a more hands-on approach, you can also set up the display according to your custom settings.

You can also go further with your changes. Here's how: Click on the menu (three dashes) from the top left corner in the app and select the Change current color option and choose from the range of display options available there.

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Similarly, there is also an Effects and extra colors option. Here you can choose Movie Mode, Grayscale, Dark mode and other similar color effects.

5. Use Backwards Alarm Clock

Another useful feature worth considering is the Backwards Alarm Clock. The article believes that an alarm clock of this type is very useful in reminding us to slow down and finish the work when the end of the day is near.

To set it up, click the menu (three dashes) and select Options and Smart Lighting.

On the Features and Notifications tab, select the Backwards Alarm Clock option if not already done. When this option is enabled, you will be prompted as soon as it's time to go to bed.

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As screen time is on the rise, eye and sleep-related problems are on the rise. For Windows proficient users, f.lux is a useful utility to have in the toolkit, especially if your work requires intensive use of the computer.

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