5 tips to help you forget anything you want, no matter how bad it is

Psychologists have come up with some psychological tips to help you trick your brain into forgetting things to forget.

The human brain has a silly bias that makes many people unhappy, things to remember forgotten and shameful, painful things to forget, 'the more you forget, the more you remember'. However, psychologists have come up with a few psychological tips to help you trick your brain into forgetting things to forget.

1. Constantly make the brain not think about it

To remember something, we often read it over and over until it is imprinted on the brain. And to forget, let's do the opposite.

Picture 1 of 5 tips to help you forget anything you want, no matter how bad it is

Whenever you remember the memory you want to forget, think about other things to force your brain to set it aside. Over and over again, the brain will automatically set up an automatic reflex for that memory to go into the past.

2. Overwrite memory

Picture 2 of 5 tips to help you forget anything you want, no matter how bad it is

To overwrite bad memories with a good thing, try to remember a similar event but have a positive ending when the memory you want to forget returns.

For example, you just acted shyly in front of your friends and don't want to remember it. When that memory comes back, remember when you told a good story or done something nice that was appreciated by your friends.

Repeat many times, you will no longer remember that unhappy memory.

3. Create stronger new memories to forget unhappy old memories

Picture 3 of 5 tips to help you forget anything you want, no matter how bad it is

This method only works if you do it right after the incident you want to forget. At that time, do something else that can help you have a stronger memory.

For example, you don't want to remember the embarrassing thing that just happened, try buying a dress you've liked for a long time, playing a fun entertainment game or simply talking to someone you love. love. During these times of work, focus to forget what happened.

4. Change memory

Picture 4 of 5 tips to help you forget anything you want, no matter how bad it is

Recalling the old memory is like having a new memory. This is why our memories are not completely accurate compared to reality.

Taking advantage of this mechanism, we can add a few non-happening details to the story each time we recall them to turn it into a funny story. This will make you not feel sad or hurt when recalling.

5. Change of perspective

Picture 5 of 5 tips to help you forget anything you want, no matter how bad it is

Science has proven that the reason we cannot forget a memory is emotion. We often think too much and worry excessively about what happened. So, to forget those bad memories, analyze it, try to look at it from a different angle to have a more positive view.

If you can't convince yourself, ask for the help of others. Tell them your story, maybe they will give you the best advice, and sharing your voice will help you think more positively.

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Update 19 November 2019


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