5 facts about the personality of an introvert

Their introverts are beautiful in a way that is unlike those of extroverts, but they are not shy.

Introverts have an easily identifiable characteristic of being discreet, self-contained, not willing to share their joys and sorrows with others, all of which are hidden in their hearts and very difficult to show out. , in contrast to the extrovert is always sociable, open.

Introverts in the world of extroverts are very special, strange, and even thought to be "monstrous". They become the topic of discussion, discussion and judgment of many people. In the eyes of an extrovert, introverts are shy, fearful people and almost do not create anything outstanding.

However, introverts possess a lot of points that extroverts are hard to get. For example, they have the ability to control themselves well, interesting temperament, often making others feel calm, focused and safe. Here are 5 facts about the insider's personality that people often misunderstand and draw from the experience of an introverted person like the author.

Picture 1 of 5 facts about the personality of an introvert

1. Introverts are not shy

Shyness seems to be a word that an extrovert often uses when describing the character of an introvert. Shy means not knowing how to be open, expressing his thoughts in front of the crowd and often being silent.

The truth is the opposite. The introvert's energy is most evident when they are alone and it will subside when there are many people around. Therefore, the fear that extroverts see in introverts is not completely true to the nature of the word described. It is merely a change of energy within them because of the presence of people who are not ready for them to enter their Comfort Zone .

2. Introverts are not snobbish

This is something that introverts are often misunderstood and gradually become a challenge for them.

For introverts, when the energy source will decrease when there are many people, it is almost impossible to immerse yourself in a group or to start a conversation with new people. can. They feel safer, more comfortable and more confident when doing what they like. However, this inner lifestyle does not mean that introverts are snobbish, prefer to face or want to be special to others.

3. Introverts are social lovers

Picture 2 of 5 facts about the personality of an introvert

When you are with people you know, especially your family, relatives, friends, introverts live hard and at that time, you can see the abundant energy in them. They even become the "fire" transmitters for those around them, making everyone more positive and optimistic than ever. However, if there is an appearance of a stranger then the introverts will immediately return to their original state, meaning they are "still" in their own safety zone as they are.

4. Introverts easily become the focus of the crowd's judgment

Introverts are strong in their safe areas, but are vulnerable to hearing negative judgments or opinions of others about them. They will shrink themselves and gradually separate themselves from everyone. This makes an extrovert think that an introvert behaves coldly, does not respect or does not integrate with society. In fact, the opposite is, they just want to integrate in a way that is not the same as extroverts.

5. Introverts are often very receptive to a corner

When seeing an introverts sitting quietly alone, it is not really lonely but it is when the deep thoughts flow in their minds. Sometimes, the introverts think about the barriers that prevent them from getting along or wanting to participate but not brave enough to overcome the safety zone set by themselves. The minds of introverts are very strong leading to the same problem, they often make them more serious than extroverts. Perhaps, in part because the introvert is less shared, only retaining the story for themselves, so they see the problem is not much.

Picture 3 of 5 facts about the personality of an introvert

Next time, if you meet someone, it might be friends, colleagues, strangers . that you think they are shy or snobbish, remember these things. Introverts need great understanding, sympathy and sharing from extroverts.

If you intend to challenge them with a joke, say or act, stop. Instead, keep calm, patient, proactive and create friendliness so that introverts can open their hearts and you will discover many interesting things when interacting with living people. Such inner mind.

We all have special characteristics, whether introvert or extrovert. So, don't try to be a normal person because in other people's eyes, you may be "abnormal" at a certain point without your knowledge.

Update 24 May 2019


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