4 Tips to Make Your Long-Distance Relationship Work During the Pandemic

Romantic relationships are fragile and take a lot of work to stand the test of time. The good thing about being in a long-distance relationship is that your partner and you learn to value each other.

Moreover, you already know the role communication plays in sustaining your relationship. And whenever you meet, you try to make the most of every moment together. But with the COVID-19 pandemic showing no signs of ending anytime soon, maintaining a long-distance relationship can be exceptionally difficult.

Picture 1 of 4 Tips to Make Your Long-Distance Relationship Work During the Pandemic

To begin with, there are various travel restrictions in most countries, which could prevent you from meeting your bae. Also, the general uncertainty and stress of our present times can deal a bigger blow to your strained relationship.

Providing each other with emotional security and comfort while being miles apart during these tough times can be painstaking. But it doesn't mean your relationship is destined to fail. Instead, you need to work harder to be there for your partner (virtually) and hold onto the hope of being together once the pandemic is over.

In this blog, we'll discuss a few simple hacks to help your long-distance relationship sail through the pandemic. Let's get started.

1. Set Realistic Expectations

The one thing that has made quarantine and isolation somewhat bearable is the rise of video conferencing apps, such as Zoom, Skype, Microsoft Teams, etc. But just because you're at home with a high-speed internet connection, it doesn't mean you need to be connected to your partner round-the-clock.

Allocate specific times of the day when you're going to call, text, or FaceTime your S.O. Have an open discussion with them to decide when and how often you're going to talk. This is particularly important if both of you live in different time zones.

Take your daily routine and preferences into account before committing. For instance, if you know you're not a morning person, don't schedule a video call at 7 am. Likewise, if you notice that your partner doesn't respond to your texts in the afternoon, check whether they're busier during that time of the day.

2. Schedule Alone Time

It's one thing to talk about how your day went and what you had for lunch. But when you're in a long-distance relationship, you need to make extra effort to spend quality time with each other. Apart from strengthening your bond, it'll help take your mind off of the stress and anxiety of the pandemic.

Of course, sharing a fancy meal with each other to taking virtual tours of museums and historical monuments - there are various ways to enjoy a memorable virtual date. You could even try going on a walk or picking up a new hobby together.

3. Take Advice from a Psychic

If you're unsure about where your relationship is headed or whether it's going to endure the hardships of the pandemic, it's a good idea to talk to a psychic reader. Don't consult them hoping that they're going to predict how your relationship will turn out.

Instead, a psychic will help you come to terms with your reality and understand why your relationship is going through this phase. They'll even offer a deeper insight into your relationship and help you visualize the bigger picture. You'll gain more clarity about whether your relationship is still worth pursuing.

It'll be better if your partner and you take a psychic reading session together. Also, do your research and find a psychic who makes you feel comfortable. You could explore various online psychic reading forums before going for an in-person consultation.

Also, make sure you check a psychic's credentials and reviews before visiting them. MysticMag has curated many great reviews of various psychic readers and online forums. Don't forget to read these detailed reviews to choose a psychic whose wavelength matches yours.

4. Don't Hold Things In

The last thing you want in a long-distance relationship is to have an ugly fight over something insignificant in the middle of the night. The best way of avoiding such situations is to talk about things that are bothering you before they trigger a full-blown meltdown.

Don't try to suppress your emotions thinking it'll get better over time. Cracks in a long-distance relationship almost always become worse the longer they persist. Take out time to discuss your apprehensions and insecurities with your partner. Make sure you give them space to express their feelings as well. 

Have you ever been in a long-distance relationship? Share your experience in the comments section below.

Update 04 March 2021


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