Digital Dating - the role of technology in young people's relationships
After all, they represent the generation whose coming of age coincided with the launch of the first commercial dating websites in the mid-1990s, and the arrival of social media not long afterward. Technology has been playing a role in young people's relationships for some time, especially when it comes to embracing digital dating.
Seeking partners based on compatibility
Discovering individuals with common interests or aspirations has always been a fundamental building block for romance. Where young people are concerned, there have always been outlets available where they could interact with people on the same wavelength, from social clubs to bars where others from the same generation have traditionally congregated.
Picture 1 of Digital Dating - the role of technology in young people's relationships
Digital dating has made this sense of compatibility a priority. Younger individuals can join matchmaking platforms where they can home in on individuals who would be most suitable for a relationship. As well as algorithms that will process data from registration forms, enabling them to be matched with the most appropriate partners quickly, they can also browse through profiles, keeping an eye but for the most appropriate candidates for romance. There are so many different options out there, allowing singles to choose the sites where they will be able to interact with other users on their wavelength. Tech-savvy youngsters won't persevere with unsuitable websites, and will readily try out new apps as they are launched.
Keeping in touch
Millennials love the 24/7 aspect of online communication. You only have to observe youngsters strolling along the street or commuting to realize many are hunched over their phone or tablet, keeping abreast of notifications on their social media channels, tapping into their dating resources. The fact they can access these platforms at any time makes them a particularly alluring way of keeping in touch with prospective partners.
Playing the field or committing?
A common preconception about younger people is that they are flippant when it comes to romance, and are typically focusing on casual dating rather than searching for soulmates. While some might conform to these stereotypes, it is just as likely that 20-something site users will be seeking longer-term commitments.
The beauty of digital dating is that it caters to every possible dating aspiration amongst a younger clientele. They can choose the site to register with based on whether these are likely to promise instant encounters, or will introduce them to those seeking meaningful relationships. This activity will always be dependent on the individual.
Tech innovations
Young people tend to gravitate to online platforms offering the most in terms of functionality, accessibility, and dynamism. Dating sites have traditionally been excellent platforms for keeping abreast of the latest in technological advancements.
For those who are already used to tapping into virtual reality (VR) headsets for their computer games, dating sites offer a resource that is equally determined to enhance the online experience. Digital dating is all about offering alternatives – whether that's VR, video chats, or good old-fashioned texting!
Widening scope
Young people are much more likely to be open-minded in their outlook in terms of the type of person they would like a relationship with. No longer tied to romance within their cultural backgrounds, they might be exposed to people from different countries while studying, or through work situations. This could give them a taste for international travel, while digital dating will present them with the possibility of interacting with individuals from all walks of life, and many interesting national backgrounds.
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