Breeezy stands out with the ability to save the layer's transparent background when exporting, converting layer names to files and organizing all the exported files and Assets into a folder.
Compatible with: Photoshop CS5 and above.
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Pixel2Vector is a simple tool that converts any pixel graphic into customizable vector shapes with just one touch. The Vector Shape function converts all selected layers or groups of layers into a vector shape. Once completed, you can edit vectors like any other vector shape, zoom out without losing detail or changing the scene easily.
Compatible with: CS5, CS6, CC, CC2014 and Photoshop CS3 +.
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Font Awesome is a powerful icon search tool, which helps you find and insert icons right in Photoshop. This free plugin adds a new control panel that lets you search for an icon by entering the desired keyword.
Compatible with: Photoshop CC.
20 free and useful Photoshop plugins for design professionals Picture 16 will export Asset and detailed design parameters for you but only the elements that have been changed can be exported. You just need to use an appropriate prefix and will handle all the remaining hard work. allows you to add variables to the project, manage Assets, detailed design specifications and finally automatically export them all with one click.
To keep all the icons in vector format, add the ico prefix, name the group with btn , create a status by adding ": hover" to the end of the group name, to export the photo, add money img . The image will be exported as Graphic Raster.
Compatible with: Photoshop CC2014, CC2015.
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Thanks to Griddify , we can create more customizable grid systems, create rhythms and do more with tutorials in Photoshop. Griddify will add a visual control panel that includes three simple but extensive options called Griddify, Divide and Wrap.
Compatible with: Photoshop CS6, CC.
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In Photoshop, it's frustrating to design a model for a website to place two separate text layers and arrange them when you want multiple text columns. In this case, UberColumn is a very useful plugin. It allows you to convert text blocks on a layer into a specific column, and easily customize the width.
To use this plugin, simply open the Textbox box using the Type tool and enter the content as usual. Then, to apply, select Window => Extensions => Columns , set the column number and distance (width) => select OK.
Compatible with: Photoshop CC, CC2014, CC2015.
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With Layer Craft , you can easily export selected layers directly to Android or iOS devices with the option to increase the size up to 200%, reduce the size to 50%, duplicate, cut and remove white area to create PNG file.
Compatible with: Photoshop CC, CC2014, CC2015.
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Composer allows you to control changes made including the position and eye icon of the layer at the same time. Simply select the layer comp you want to change to apply and then select any of the four commands: U pdate Layer Style, Update Position, Update Visibility or Update All.
Compatible with: Photoshop CS5, CS6, CC.