12 common mistakes when cooking that you should avoid

Using a pan that is too small, too old an onion, or improper use of cooking oil is one of the many mistakes people make when preparing food. Here are 12 common mistakes that are often made, greatly affecting the perfection of the dish.

Many people wonder that the same dish, although properly followed by step by step instructions with exact proportional ingredients but why their food is still not as delicious as a professional cook cook? This problem often lies in processing. Make sure everyone in each of us has ever encountered this situation at least once or more. So to cook round dishes for your family, make sure you don't get one of the 12 common mistakes when cooking below.

1. The pan is full of food

Picture 1 of 12 common mistakes when cooking that you should avoid
© ajafoto / depositphotos.com © alisafarov / depositphotos.com

Keep pieces of meat or ribs apart, if you want your dish to have crunchy crust. Do not put too many things in the pan to " save space" , so the food will lose its taste.

2. Fry meat with non-stick pan

Picture 2 of 12 common mistakes when cooking that you should avoid
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Another reason your meat dish doesn't have a crust is because you're using a non-stick pan. Non-stick pans often have less heat than regular cast iron pans, so it is only suitable for making cakes, omelets or fried chicken. To fry meat, you should use cast iron pans or baking pans.

3. Do not put salt in the pot when boiling pasta

Picture 3 of 12 common mistakes when cooking that you should avoid
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The basic principle for making a standard pasta is to put salt in a pot of water when boiling pasta. If not, the noodles will be light, no matter how delicious your sauce is, when you eat, you still feel the noodles are not delicious. If you are not sure about the salt percentage, then use a tablespoon of salt with 300gr of dry noodles.

4. Use olive oil to fry and fry

Picture 4 of 12 common mistakes when cooking that you should avoid
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At high temperatures, olive oil loses its nutritional value and starts to have a burning smell, making your food smell bad. So, it is best to use olive oil for salad dressings only, and if you want to fry and fry, use sunflower or soybean oil.

5. Use a glass cup to measure the amount of powder

Picture 5 of 12 common mistakes when cooking that you should avoid
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Many people believe that it is possible to use liquid measuring instrument to measure dry materials with conversion rate equivalent to 100ml = 100gr. But in fact, dry materials and liquids have completely different volumes in the same volume. Remember that baking requires proper adherence to the proportions of each ingredient, so if you can't estimate them, use the right measuring tools for each group of ingredients.

6. Do not heat the pan before cooking

Picture 6 of 12 common mistakes when cooking that you should avoid
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Top chefs recommend: " If you think your pan is hot enough, wait another 2 minutes then add the oil ". Many people believe that when putting the pan on the stove, it is already hot enough, but in fact, leave the green vegetables stir-fry or the piece of meat that is full of crunchy meat before pouring oil and running on your garlic and pan. It is heated up until it feels like the heat is rising to meet the requirements.

7. Non-garlic too carefully

Picture 7 of 12 common mistakes when cooking that you should avoid
© OtnaYdur / depositphotos.com © Xalanx / depositphotos.com

Most recipes recommend that you put the garlic in the end or put it in the dish after cooking it for 2-3 minutes. Because garlic is a very quick and flammable spice, when ripe, it can make your dish lose its delicious taste.

8. Processing meat without defrosting

Picture 8 of 12 common mistakes when cooking that you should avoid
© jacklondon / depositphotos.com © Nitrub / depositphotos.com

Before cooking, you should leave the meat out for about 1-2 hours to thaw. Many people often take out the frozen meat, slice and cook because they think that the heat is cooked and the meat is cooked, which is a common mistake. When the meat is not fully defrosted, they cannot ripen and soak all the spices, to ripen to the meat inside, the meat outside is too fire and tough.

9. Eat meat right after cooking

Picture 9 of 12 common mistakes when cooking that you should avoid
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If you are too hungry or attracted to the freshly prepared meat, you should also wait patiently for a few minutes after cooking. Enjoy it when you feel the delicious taste of meat.

10. All foods are in the refrigerator

Picture 10 of 12 common mistakes when cooking that you should avoid
© furzyk73 / depositphotos.com

Not all foods stored in the refrigerator are good. Foods such as tomatoes, onions, garlic, potatoes, zucchini, eggplant and other tropical fruits such as mangoes and kiwi will taste better when left out. When preserving these foods in the refrigerator, they not only lose their freshness but also get down the code and lose their valuable nutrients.

11. Turn over food regularly

Picture 11 of 12 common mistakes when cooking that you should avoid
Cookinglight.com ©

You do not need to flip the food in the pan continuously. Let the food ripen before flipping, you will keep the intact and beautiful color of the dish. Just leave your " masterpiece " in the pan and don't turn too much - that's the golden rule of cooking.

12. Boil eggs too well

Picture 12 of 12 common mistakes when cooking that you should avoid
© akulamatiau / depositphotos.com © mariam1992 / depositphotos.com

Have you ever seen that the part between the white and the egg yolk is gray, is it a pungent taste like rubber? In fact, that's when the nutrients in the eggs have been lost a lot, simply because you boil too well. The best way to boil the eggs is to put the eggs in the pot, immediately after boiling the water, turn off the stove, soak the eggs in the pot for about 10 minutes, then take it out through the cold water and peel. Boiled eggs will then be very eye-catching and delicious when enjoyed.

Update 24 May 2019


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