11 useful tips on MEDITATION for beginners

Have you ever wondered how to meditate on beginners? Here are 11 useful tips on meditation for beginners. Invite you to consult!

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Have you ever wondered how MEDITATION is for beginners? Meditation brings great benefits both physically and mentally. It helps you to be more productive and confident, reduce stress and free your mind from chaotic thoughts. You will focus more and achieve more, without trying.

Picture 1 of 11 useful tips on MEDITATION for beginners

In essence, meditation helps you understand yourself. Invite you to consult the 11 useful tips on meditation for beginners !

1. You are doing 'right' way, you cannot meditate 'wrong'.

People who are just starting to meditate often worry that they are doing 'wrong'. However, as Zen master Shunryu Suzuki points out in Zen Mind, Beginner's Mind , when you choose to meditate in a sitting position, you are meditating:

' When you are in this posture, you have the right state of mind, so you don't need to try to achieve a particular state .'

Don't be disappointed if you don't find a sense of peacefulness and happiness as soon as you meditate. Over time, you will realize that just sitting down is already meditation. You don't need to force yourself to change; meditation will automatically do that.

2. Choose an effective form of meditation

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There are many different ways of practicing meditation. Meditation based on breath counting is the simplest for beginners, because you can do it at any time.

This is how to practice. When you're sitting or lying down, keep your spine bones straight, focus on your breathing but don't try to change your breathing. When you breathe in, tell yourself something: ' . and '. Then, when you breathe out, count: ' . one. '

Keep breathing and counting, every time you breathe in and out. ' Count 1; and . 2; and . 3; and . 4 '

When you count to 4, start over the word ' 1 ' with the next exhalation.

These numbers are optional, not required. You can count to ten if you like. However, you will be surprised to find your mind easy to ignore. It will wander when you count from 1 to 4, usually you will experience this.

Let your mind wander. That's what it does. When you realize that you've forgotten to count, just count back from number 1.

See also: Why does deep breathing help relieve stress quickly?

3. Schedule meditation every day

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As a beginner of meditation, you will feel immediate health benefits . When I meditated, I realized that I felt more comfortable and worked much more effectively. I slept better, woke up with more alertness and freshness, ready to face the new day. About 10 to 20 minutes of meditation each day has brought me better productivity and a sense of happiness in everything.

You will notice the benefits of meditation in relationships : you will be happier and the tension from stress will only be in the past.

However, to achieve such benefits, you need to practice meditation every day. It is not easy, so plan your meditation practice when you schedule other things. I often meditate in the morning, in the office before starting work.Choose the time you spend alone without distractions . If you want, you can turn on the music.

A meditation timer can also assist you. I use the Insight Timer on the iPad.

Picture 4 of 11 useful tips on MEDITATION for beginners

4. No time to meditate? Meditate for 5 minutes

Meditate for 5 minutes . Some meditators meditate for 1 hour and 2 times a day. Others meditate 20 minutes 2 times / day. I meditate 10 to 20 minutes once a day. The time you spend meditating is helpful, no matter how short it is. So if you only have five minutes of meditation, that's fine.

5. Keep the spine straight when meditating

In meditation, meditation posture is very important. Whether you sit or meditate, keep your spine straight to your health.

The article " Physiology of Meditation - Yoga Physiology " is worth reading. It refers to the three benefits of keeping the spine straight. And as far as Shunryu Suzuki says when you are in a straight spine position you are meditating.

Over time, your mind and body will relax in a state of meditation once you are in the right position. That becomes a habit.

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6. Meditation can help you become more aware of challenges

A friend of mine said that he ' felt very angry ' when meditating. Because now he is aware of his basic emotions, emotions that are always there.

The bestselling author Susan Piver recommends that if you feel strong emotions, please:

Put attention on the feeling, not the story that creates that feeling.

If you are meditating in the way of counting breaths and you are overwhelmed by emotions, start focusing on the emotions in your body without being drawn into the stories associated with emotions. Accept what you feel and become curious with your emotions.

Picture 6 of 11 useful tips on MEDITATION for beginners

7. Although you will quickly get results when practicing meditation daily, don't forget to improve yourself

Beginning meditators are very happy when they realize that their meditation is ' active '. They want to practice meditation better, to get results faster.

You will get faster results when setting the sole goal of daily meditation practice . Meditation is a process. Shunryu Suzuki has said in Zen Mind, Beginner's Mind :

" Watch every moment as your last moment. That moment is not prepared at all ."

8. Exercise physically with Yoga meditation

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When meditation becomes a daily routine, you will find that you are automatically eating healthier. Even if you don't practice much, you will find yourself finding ways to move and stretch your body.

Consider practicing Yoga: it is also a form of meditation. Yoga teaches you to live at the present time.

9. Choose music to meditate

Some people like to listen to music while meditating, while others like quiet. If you have a busy, frustrating working day, meditating with music will help you calm down.

In other words, consider music as a part of meditation. You will find many meditative music on online meditation sites. I like listening to Gregorian hymns as a way of meditation. Many people like Bach's music, or listen to the sounds of nature: rain falls or waves on the beach.

10. Try another meditation

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You feel bored with the current meditation. Try different meditations like:

  1. Meditation pictures . Choose a picture of peaceful nature such as a beach, prairie grass or a mountain. Imagine yourself there.
  2. Meditation with hymns . Meditation with official hymns is called Kirtan . However, you can choose to sing loudly to any music you like, whether opera or pop .
  3. Walking meditation . When walking meditation, you will walk slowly and be aware of your every step.

11. Meditation anywhere

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You can practice meditation everywhere, not necessarily sitting . Try to feel yourself. When meditating, you feel the feet, the feeling of shoes, as well as the body weight on the ground. Then feel every step. Pay attention to every part of your body, from head to toe.

Feeling your body is an ideal form of meditation when you are standing in a queue or at a traffic light. Of course, when waiting to switch from a red light to a green light, you can't do much more than feel your feet, but that time will help you relax.

Now, you have 11 tips for beginners to meditate. Meditation not only changes your life better, but also changes the people you come into contact with.Enjoy meditation. You will soon realize that meditation is the best time of the day.

See also: Just spend 20 minutes every morning, you will have a super effective working day!

Having fun!

Update 24 May 2019


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