10,000 websites were attacked

Researchers at Trend Micro said at least 10,000 websites were infected with a trojan with code that automatically redirected the site to another server.

Researchers at Trend Micro said at least 10,000 websites were infected with a trojan with code that automatically redirected the site to another server.

It was discovered that this trojan infection was first seen on June 15. It was called 'Italian Job' by Trend Micro. Legitimate websites are attacked and will be included in the iFrames extension Therefore, visitors to these sites will be transferred to other servers with MPack tools. This is an exploit tool aimed at security holes in multi-functional products.

According to Trend Micro, when users visit the site, the computer is affected and will be transferred to another IP address that has the JavaScript code deliberately set up and discovered by JS_DLOADER.NTJ. The JavaScript code exploits the memory overflow error in the browser and downloads TROJ_SMALL.HCK.

According to David Perry, Trend Micro's global education director, based in Cupertino, California, since June 15, the number of hacked websites has increased exponentially.

"The number of hacked websites is between 5,000 and 10,000, " Perry said. " There are no similarities in these pages. So I call this Web Disease. "

Picture 1 of 10,000 websites were attacked
According to Websense, based in San Diego, the most affected countries are Italy and Spain.

In the May 15 blog, Symantec researcher Elia Florio advised Italian Internet users to update their anti-virus software and install it on their computers to protect themselves.

Earlier, the US Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) warned 1 million global computers were controlled by hackers. The FBI collaborated with 60 countries to identify and notify users that their device is under control of hackers through 'ghost' PC networks. Most victims did not realize the computer they were using was controlled.

The attacker can control the system when he or she tries to lure the victim to activate the malicious code or virus but keeps the computer running normally. From one place, this code spreads to many other machines, forming a ghost computer network, automatically passing the information it needs to hackers.

Tam Ha

Update 26 May 2019


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