10 useful tips for laptop users

Laptops are increasingly popular, but the way to use laptops properly is not everyone knows. Here are 10 guidelines recommended by many computer manufacturers when using laptops.

Picture 1 of 10 useful tips for laptop users
Laptops are increasingly popular, but the way to use laptops properly is not everyone knows. Here are 10 guidelines recommended by many computer manufacturers when using laptops.

Use battery

The laptop battery is considered one of the most important devices. The better the battery quality, the more durable your computer is because it is the device that makes your mobile work more smoothly. Most laptop and mobile battery configurations are now made of Lion batteries, so the usage is quite similar.

When buying a new laptop, you will be provided with an adapter device attached to the device. When charging the battery, charge it for about 8-10 hours in the first 3 uses to fully charge the battery. This is the general principle of current lion batteries because the original manufacturer only initially had no workpieces but did not charge the battery.

Once fully loaded, you should not use the laptop adapter plugged in to use immediately, but should discharge about 90% of the electricity stored in the battery you just charged (meaning the battery is about 10%) and then again Continue charging (about 3 times as much as mentioned above).

By doing so, you have extended the battery life much longer, especially avoiding the battery case. There is also one more thing that you should keep in mind is that you should not turn on and turn off the device many times in a short period of time as you have indirectly caused the battery to quickly deteriorate.

Besides, you shouldn't 'just work and charge'. This will significantly reduce battery life (like mobile phones). When the adapter is broken, go to the official dealer of the manufacturer or store you purchased to get the right adapter manufactured by the manufacturer to ensure the power to the battery when charging.


Picture 2 of 10 useful tips for laptop users
Laptop screen is not like normal screen, it has many types such as mirror screen, super bright screen . When it gets dirty, you should use soft rag with special solution (do not use alcohol, detergent ) Just wet enough to clean the screen, avoid the machine being turned on but wipe because it is easy to cause electric shock to the machine will be damaged (preferably power off). The cleaning process must be gently cleaned, from top to bottom and then used with a clean, dry cloth. During work you should not use your finger to press the screen because it is a direct action that affects your screen structure.

Place the device properly

Because the amount of heat generated by the laptop is very large (mostly below), you need to avoid leaving the device on your lap. When placing the device, you should also note the use of cloth tablecloths to underlay. If you have more budget, you should spend a bit more money to buy a dedicated liner device capable of lower heat dissipation (compatible with your laptop and have a cool fan to dissipate heat as well). These devices are pretty much available on the market, like CoolMaster, Gigabyte, and so on, with many different types of heat sinks.

Do not leave the device on things like blankets, drapes, salon chairs, etc., because these things will not only be able to radiate heat but also make the laptop hotter. When working, look for places that have a fixed, open, wide and far away surface from fragile objects, pets, etc. In addition, it is worth noting that after turning off the computer, absolutely do not put the computer in the bag. portable but should let it cool for a while before putting it in.

Use specialized bags

Laptops are one of the most easily damaged devices. So laptop bags are also an indispensable device. Young people today often follow fashion, but for laptops, you don't have to choose a bag with a nice design but you should choose the type of bag that has the capacity to resist, friction, mobility and waterproofing. water when buying.

Normally, when you buy a phone, you will be given a genuine bag, but if you can try to ask if the seller can add money if you want to change another bag better? And two other notable points for the bags that you especially have to pay attention to are: the ability to hold the machine in motion while on the move and need moisture-proof packages with laptop bags.

Open the screen properly

Normally when opening the screen the user probably doesn't care much, but it's especially important. To perform properly, please open / close gently to avoid causing the cable ground to connect between the mainboard and the screen. As recommended by the manufacturer, you should open the screen at an appropriate angle between 90o and 120o is the most standard and as mentioned in section 2 you should not close / open the screen many times in a short period of time .

Reduce screen brightness, turn off unnecessary devices

If you temporarily do not use the computer, instead of turning off the computer to standby mode, you should adjust the screen brightness down because it is said that turning on / off the device continuously will greatly affect laptop life expectancy. Also, turn off devices when not in use such as wireless networks, USB connections, and so on. Do not use a battery speaker to save battery power.

Do not open scratched CD / DVD

Almost every laptop is now equipped with a CD / DVD drive, and if you deliberately put scratched CDs / DVDs in to read it, you indirectly make the drive's reading eye decrease. life expectancy as well as cocoons will increase.

Use mouse and keyboard

These two devices are the two devices that are most user-friendly, you seem to think that these two problems are extremely small but if so, you are completely wrong. Depending on the computer model and model, the keyboard structure will have different designs. The laptop keyboard is very different from the desktop keyboard because when it fails, it means your laptop must be opened to fix the keyboard. So when you use the keyboard, be careful when doing the work on them because it is quite soft. As for the mouse, it is simpler than you can use the external mouse connection (usually USB mouse), but when using the external mouse connection, please lock the touchpad hover function in Laptop go.

Use the operating system and install the software properly

Currently, most computer manufacturers sell their computers under a licensed Windows operating system such as XP Home, Vista, etc. to help make your computer safer. If the money is in excess, you can find some more licensed software to help the applications in the machine run more stable. Don't try to get 'Free' software, but don't use crack software. The current Windows price for XP Starter or Vista Starter is quite soft compared to Laptop (only about 600,000 VND to 700,000 VND), so you can buy it. Also do not forget to install yourself a computer virus removal program and conduct regular data backup.

Hardware upgrade

In the end, this is what most people do most often is upgrading their computer hardware. The upgrade devices are mainly Ram and HDD because these devices are recommended by the manufacturer than the CPU because the risk for CPU is usually higher, when choosing the upgrade device you should choose dedicated devices. for laptop.

However, when upgrading computer hardware you should proceed to bring the device to a place of sale or a distributor for advice on selecting compatible devices and re-checking how it is compatible because normally when buying a home laptop Distribution and place of sale will be stamped into the case, so you are completely assured (except for portable products).

Update 25 May 2019


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