4 things should not listen to laptop counselors

When entering the showrooms to find a laptop to buy, surely you will receive the enthusiastic advice of the sales team. However, not everything you hear is true, sometimes they will say beautiful things, somewhat ostentatious, even misunderstandings about technology.

When entering the showrooms to find a laptop to buy, surely you will receive the enthusiastic advice of the sales team. However, not everything you hear is true, sometimes they will say beautiful things, somewhat ostentatious, even misunderstandings about technology.

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Therefore, you need to be calm and wise as well as selectively listen to what you sell. Here are some things that are often questioned by advisers who are inaccurate to sell and eat roses.

1. "Removable graphics card makes surfing the web faster"

According to a technology expert from CNET , he had to be very restrained when listening to such a consultant. In fact, if the site you visit is designed in HTML5 or WebGL format, the computer may need to mobilize a separate video card to handle. However, most websites are now written in more popular languages, such as PHP, ASP.Net, . and they will not require anything at the discrete graphics card.

The speed of surfing the web quickly with these websites depends only on the Internet connection, the speed of the CPU, the browser and the server containing the website. However, if you choose a laptop for design and graphics needs, you definitely have to give priority to a discrete graphics card.

2. "The higher the GHz, the stronger the laptop"

This is not entirely true! Understand that, chipsets are divided into multiple lines, from Pentium to Dual Core, Core 2 Duo, Core i3 / 5/7, . Currently, mainstream laptops run Core i chipsets, in each Core i line is divided into different generations, popularly Haswell ( 4th generation of Core i ).

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Therefore, the choice of CPU speed must correspond to the chipset life. For example, a Pentium 4 chipset with a 3.6 GHz CPU speed cannot be compared to the Core i3 chipset with a 3.3 GHz CPU speed. Accordingly, despite the CPU clock of the Pentium 4 chipset is higher, it is far behind the Core i3 chipset.

To identify a product using Haswell chip, users can look at CPU parameters. Specifically, if the computer runs Haswell chip, after the Core iX character ( X = 3, 5, 7 ) will come with a string of four numbers, and the first number must be 4. For example , Intel Core i5-4200U.

3. "Laptop with Dolby / THX / Beats integrated for better sound"

Dolby / THX / Beats are words that refer to audio technology on electronic devices such as laptops and smartphones. However, these are only software, it does not create true sound value for your computer from nature.

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When evaluating the sound quality of a laptop, it is better to listen to it from a display machine, as well as take the time to find out if the laptop company has partnered with a well-known audio hardware developer. no

4. "Choose a laptop with a numeric keypad"

You have to be very alert when " greed " wants to buy a laptop with a numeric keypad right away. You might think that this numeric keypad is convenient, and will probably use it later. However, numeric keypads are only really needed for people with accounting, construction or related professions. On the other hand, the numeric keypad will only be an excess of keys, making the laptop more cumbersome.

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In short, on the issue of numeric keypads, you should only choose based on demand, absolutely do not choose to " prefer to buy more than leave ".

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