Young people are temporarily deaf because they wear headphones to listen to music and overslept

Recently, the Department of Otolaryngology at Taiwan University Hospital announced a case of a second-year male student completely deaf on one ear due to overslept while listening to music.

Recently, the Department of Otolaryngology at Taiwan University Hospital announced a case of a second-year male student completely deaf on one ear due to overslept while listening to music.

According to the victim's share, for about a year, he often has a habit of wearing headphones and listening to music before going to bed. But in a sleepover and always bring the earphones to light, when he woke up he found one ear could not hear anything. Fortunately, one side of the headset fell from his ear so it was unaffected.

Picture 1 of Young people are temporarily deaf because they wear headphones to listen to music and overslept

After being treated in the hospital for 5 days, this young man is gradually recovering.

Dr Tian Huiji, director of the Department of Otolaryngology at the University Hospital of Asia, Taiwan, said wearing headphones for hours at a time, even though it is not enough to cause sudden deafness but is very harmful to hearing. Using headphones or listening to loud sounds while sleeping can lead to this risk. The sound from the earpiece causes the hair cells in the ear to be stimulated, while the blood circulation in the body slows down while sleeping, leading to the inability to provide enough blood to the ear position and can lead to sudden deafness.

Huiji issued a warning, anyone with similar symptoms should quickly go to medical facilities for medical examination and treatment, to avoid permanent hearing loss.

Picture 2 of Young people are temporarily deaf because they wear headphones to listen to music and overslept

Huiji claims, earbud headsets with the ability to minimize sound leaked can be dangerous to hearing. The headset has a rubber pad and earhook earbuds, allowing a part of the sound to escape to be a safer choice for users.

In addition, one of the factors that need attention to protect hearing when listening to music is the volume. On the advice of doctors, after listening to music for about 50 minutes / day, users should give their ears about 10 minutes of rest, and should not use any kind of headphones while sleeping.

As recommended by the National Health Service, you should only listen to music that is 60% lower than the maximum volume and should take at least 5 minutes after every hour of listening to music. In particular, the music listening time is safe in places with noise levels above 100 decibels in just 15 minutes. The volume can reach 120 decibels at maximum volume, almost the same as the sound emitted by a jet when taking off.

Currently there are about 375 million people in the world with severe hearing loss, according to estimates by the World Health Organization (WHO).

Update 24 May 2019


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