Worlds of 'no dead' places in the world

Life and death are the natural rules that all must follow. But in some parts of the world death is taboo, they even apply a law against death to consider death illegal.

Life and death are the natural rules that all must follow. But in some parts of the world death is taboo, they even apply a law against death to consider death illegal.

Surely you are surprised to hear about this strange death ban. But this law appeared very early in the 5th century BC, in the Greek island of Delos . At that time, the ancient Greeks considered the island sacred and divine, death was not allowed to appear to ensure the purity of the island.

There are still some places still applying this ban. Each place has its own reasons but mainly due to religious factors and living conditions.

1. Itsukushima Island - Japan

For the Shinto religious people (Japan), Itsukushima island is a sacred, holy place. The purification and maintenance of the island's purity is strictly enforced by managers. Since 1878, death has not appeared on Itsukushima Island.

Picture 1 of Worlds of 'no dead' places in the world

All pregnant women who are about to die and elderly and sick people are not allowed to stay here to ensure pure purity for the island.

Historically, in 1555, there was a single war that took place on this island, the bloody battle of Miyajima causing many people to die here. But soon after the end, the commander ordered to clean up the entire island. The corpses of soldiers were brought ashore, even the bloody soil was dug into the sea, the houses were freshly cleaned.

2. Town of Falciano del Massico - Italy

Not because of religion or the environment, but because there is no free land for the dead , the people in Falciano del Massico, a small town in southern Italy, are not allowed to die.

Picture 2 of Worlds of 'no dead' places in the world

Since 1964, Falciano del Massico has a dispute with the neighboring town about the old cemetery ownership. So from the beginning of 3/2012, the mayor here issued a regulation requiring people not to cross the "boundary between life and death" until the town has a new cemetery.

If left out, people are forced to find a place to rest.

3. Longyearbyen Town - Norway

In the northern town of Longyearbyen in the Svalbard Islands of Norway, there is also a ban on death. The reason is that the corpses buried here cannot decompose under permafrost. Even scientists have found an intact flu virus in the body of a man who died in a pandemic since 1917.

Picture 3 of Worlds of 'no dead' places in the world

Concerned about the environment and the health of the people here, managers have issued a ban on death. In the town there is also a small cemetery but has stopped burial more than 70 years ago.

Currently the ban still applies, people who are seriously ill or near death will be transferred to another town in Norway and live their final days here.

4. Sarpourenx town - France

The mayor of Sarpourenx issued a decree banning people from entering the dead. This odd decision was issued after a French court rejected a plan to allow the town's existing cemetery to be extended. '

Picture 4 of Worlds of 'no dead' places in the world

More strangely, this decree does not prohibit death but anyone who dies will be severely punished . The form of punishment has yet to be clarified, making the residents quite confused and curious by how to punish the dead.

People have no choice but to find another place to bury the dead.

Update 24 May 2019


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