Windows XP - Why Do Many People Still Trust and Use It?

Stability is a strong point of Windows XP. That also explains why this operating system is still trusted and used until today!

To create the beautiful, smooth, powerful Windows 10 operating system like today is a journey of development through many stages. Among them, the legendary Windows XP is indispensable . Join TipsMake to learn about this operating system and explain why it is still loved to use today.

What is Windows XP?

In 2001, the technology world welcomed a new recruit, the appearance of Windows XP.

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The birth of this operating system is based on the combination of personal and business unity. It is a cross between Windows 95/98/Me with improved 32-bit operation of Windows NT/2000. Similar to Windows NT, this version uses the underlying technology and operates very stable and powerful for servers and workstations.

Features of Windows XP

Windows XP has a very nice and carefully crafted interface. It is a cool and soothing green-blue interface. Although there are still some similarities compared to previous versions, Windows XP has also had a major overhaul in this element by adding alpha compositing effects, drop shadows and visual styles.

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The appearance of this version for the first time introduced users to the concept of a 64-bit operating system instead of 32-bit like other versions. A fairly stable operating system and with Windows XP, many long-time PC users at that time also accepted to upgrade after a long time of clinging to outdated Windows 98 and Windows Me.

Previously, Windows 9x operated as a background software on the MS-DOS operating system. However, the time Windows XP was born was also the time when Windows had rapid changes, officially becoming an independent platform. Completely overcoming the limitations that appeared on Windows 9x as well as removing barriers when operating on other operating systems.

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System requirements for Windows XP

Windows XP is considered the legend of all operating systems. It was released at a time when computers were popular and powerful. Thanks to that, Windows XP is known more widely than Windows 2000, Windows Me, Windows 98. and before. And the system requirements to use this operating system include:

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Advantages and disadvantages of Windows XP operating system

Win XP is Microsoft's most popular operating system in the 2000s. The biggest advantage of this version is that it is quite light, has fast response speed and supports many different software platforms. This version runs well on old, low-configuration computers. The interface is also very easy to use, so it is popular with many users.

However, the disadvantage of Windows XP is that it is not very secure, so it is very susceptible to viruses. Most computers, once infected with viruses, can only be reinstalled Windows. To deal with this situation, many people have installed additional anti-virus software. But the downside is that if you install this software, your computer will run slower. Because of its weaknesses, Windows XP has been discontinued by Microsoft and is no longer supported.

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The updated version of Win XP is Windows Vista. This operating system is compatible with many office software although it is a bit slower. Besides, the Web browser is also more stable. In particular, the security of the system is much higher than Windows XP . However, being just an update of Win XP, Windows Vista still has many weaknesses like XP. This operating system was also "killed" by Microsoft in 2017.

Windows XP Review

Windows XP has good software compatibility, ensures fast response speed and is suitable for specialized applications (design, graphics, etc.). However, this operating system is very susceptible to viruses and once infected, the ability to restore the system is quite poor.

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While the upgraded version is Windows Vista, it has a very slow response speed, suitable for common application software (Word editing, Web chat, web browsing). But in return, it has very good virus resistance and high system security.

Advantages: Light, better running speed than old models, low-configuration desktop computers.

Disadvantages: Interface is a bit difficult to use, cannot run modern optimization software for machines with higher configuration.

As of July 2021, 1% of PC users worldwide are still running Windows XP . And 0.18% of devices across all platforms are still running Windows XP. What's special is that many users in countries such as the US are still using this operating system very popularly. The number is estimated to be more than 50% of computers.

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TipsMake  has just provided readers with some information about Windows XP . Hopefully it will be useful for customers who are interested in and love technology. In short, if your computer is in Workgroup mode, you will understand why many consumers like to use Windows XP.

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